Chapter III

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I decided to go back to my old school style of including music that either inspired me as I wrote or fits along with the chapter :) Hope you guys enjoy!


Chapter III

The prince seated back in his carriage -with a backache and eye twitch- was definitely not in the mood for another day of travel.

After Kelsen had awoken he found the mystery elf gone as well as that his clothes and ring were stolen. Thankfully the thief hadn't thought to ransack his carriage with all his belongings as well.

"I should have known." He huffs.

After an incredibly awkward awakening from his bodyguards, he was given some new clothes and a few looks. Thankfully none of them had seemed to notice just who would want to rob the prince. He had been able to play it off to them that someone must have come in the night, followed by scolding for his bodyguards not having done their jobs. This was followed by the flood of apologies and that it would never happen again and blah blah blah.

He knew it was wrong, especially after telling them to relax for the night. He had to save face. What a scandel it would be for the prince of Zitaica to be found in bed with someone that wasn't his bride to be.

And a man no less!

The princess kept mindlessly going to finger the ring on his thumb, though realizing it's still gone. His eyebrow twitched again in response.

"I've never been more humiliated in my life." He continuously mutters under his breath, fuming the more he thinks about what had transpired last night.

His belongings other than his ring being stolen wasn't what was pissing him off, it was how the stranger had made him feel. He had never felt such a pleasure in his 124 years of living and it makes him want to kick a tree until it topples over and even then it wouldn't subside his rage.

He was weak and it made him angry.

Kelsen was lucky to have not seen any visible marks that the stranger had left on him other than his back hurting and nipples being sore.

Thinking this the prince places a hand over his chest and flinches, feeling almost the phantom pain of them being nibbled.

His rage starts to fuel again and the first thing he can think to do was kick the bench in front of him, but that only earned him a throbbing toe.

"I don't even know his name." He mutters, placing his forehead against the cool glass of his carriage. Even if he wanted to get his items back or just beat the asshole's face in, he wouldn't even know where to start.

The only thing after his mind had started clearing from his drunken fog was the golden blonde hair and brown eyes. Not exactly unique features, but it was all he had to go off on.

Other than the tattoos.

He takes a loose sheet of parchment to quickly scribble down what he thinks the symbol may have looked like before pocketing it just as the carriage comes to a halt and the door is opened.

They had made it to Weserin just as the sun was at it's highest point.

The estate was beautiful and well maintained with the many servants that were scattered around, tending to the landscape and the home. The estate was built with mahogany wood and intricate religious symbols were carved and meticulously placed around the windows and doors.

Even from here Kelsen could see his future bride peeking at him through her curtains down at his arrival.

She was a pretty lady and she would make a fine queen, though Kelsen doubts as strong of a ruler as his mother.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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