Contest #5: Murder at 37

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It's time for Contest #5: Murder at 37..

It's time to get scary!

For this contest there's a storyline to follow. Here it is!: There's a party at 37 Main Street. At midnight the lights go out and when they come back on someone is dead. Throughout the night this continues to happen. Lights go out, someone is murdered, lights come back on.

Write a story using this basis above as your storyline. Write about a party where the lights keep going out and people are getting murdered. You can invent your own characters and choose who the killer will be. But... You must leave who the killer is as a mystery until the end. Your mystery must be ATLEAST 1500 words! It can be any sub-genre you want (comedic, romantic, even a fan fiction if you want where your favourite celebrity goes on a killing spree :) ) just make sure you keep the killer a mystery till the end and that it's 1500 words.

This contest is quite difficult compared to others we've done so if you have an questions, concerns or are stuck, ask in the comments or flick us a quick message.

Since this contest is longer than the others and you'll have to take time to come up with characters, who the killer is and who gets killed plus setting and weapons etc. I'll give you a longer time frame. You have till the 28th January ( 3 weeks ).

Publish your story on your profile and send us the link in the comments, in a message or a post on our profile. Or you can mention us in your story by adding @Contests and we'll get a notification and check it out! :)

If you use Wattpad on mobile getting the link can be quite difficult so here's how to do it: :)

If you go on to your story (not in create, on your profile) down the bottom of a chapter there is the option to: vote, comment or share. If you tap share it will come up with some options. One of them is copy link. Tap that then it will copy the link and you can paste it in the comments or message! :)

Make sure you read all the information above before entering so you don't miss out on important information! :) Don't forget, if you have any questions feel free to ask! :)

Now for the prizes. They'll pretty much be the same as last time:

3rd Place - The link to your story shared

2nd Place - The link to your story shared. Plus one of your works shared and a follow from us

1st Place - The link to your story shared. All your works shared plus your website, blog, company etc. shared and a follow from us.

That is all you need to know :) Good luck and hope you have fun! If you are stuck or confused don't forget to ask for help :)

Time to get scary and mysterious!!!!! >:)



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