Authors Note

7K 219 55

Hey guys! So sorry about not updating and replying. You're right the deadline did end a few days ago but I completely forgot. I've had a lot of home troubles lately about possibly moving houses. We've had real estate people over and all a bunch of crazy nonsense, meetings and worries and it was a bit stressful so the contest just completely slipped my mind. A lot of people got a bit worried so I'm sorry but I'm back now and ready to judge. The contest HAS now closed and the judging will begin today. Unfourtanetly since the stories had to be over 1500 words and there are about 30-40 of them it will take a while to judge so the results may not be up for 2-3 weeks. Sorry about the wait but we just had such a big turnout (which is amazing of course)

I just want to thank you for all your support and entries. Contests is so close to 8K reads and it's all thanks to you! Keep on being awesome.

I'll get the results up as soon as possible.



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