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The night the two men have spent together was filled with drunken laughter and stolen kisses. Jimin is tipsy, but sober enough to know what he is saying and doing. Also tipsy enough to let his emotions flow out, relaxing his state of mind. They are currently in the ocean's water, Jimin in Jungkook's hold as he stands in the water where the surface reaches his shoulders. Jimin has another beer in his hand as he holds it above the water, giggling at the man who has made a face to make the smaller smile. 

Jungkook asked earlier why Jimin wanted so much alcohol tonight, but the other didn't budge. So Kook decided to drink with him and still hasn't gotten himself tipsy enough for his words to slur yet, but another bottle would do the job. As the two come back to shore, the taller man puts Jimin down so he could go grab another beer to sip on. Jimin turns to look at the water, the moon shining brightly over the water to make it reflect in beautiful white and silver shades.

He smiles softly and takes the last drink of his bottle, turning around to head into the house wanting another. As he opens the sliding door to Jungkook's room, the latter has already gotten him and Jimin bottles. "You read my mind. Thank you, Kook." Jimin smiles and accepts the new alcoholic beverage, opening it. "Do you want to continue to swim for a while longer?" 

The lifeguard thinks and shakes his head. "I probably shouldn't. I don't want to tire myself too much for work tomorrow." Jungkook nods to agree, setting down his drink to go to the bathroom, changing into his sweats and tee. When he comes back out to sit upon the bed, Jimin takes his turn to do the same. He already has his bag packed to go and he scratches his head. "Well I guess I had better head home."

Kook furrows his brows and looks at the time. "You don't have to leave just yet. It's still only 10:40 at night. We could watch a few episodes of a show I've been watching." This small kind gesture has Jimin's heart warming, nodding as he puts his bag down next to the entrance of the bathroom. As the brown haired male gets the television going for them, Jimin settles on the empty side of the bed away from the latter. 

When finished setting up, Kook scoots back onto the bed next to Jimin and keeps his hands to himself surprisingly. Might be from the alcohol. Maybe it works backwards on this man. Without liquor, he's handsy and with a damn drink, he's respectful. How convenient. Time ticks slowly at this point and Jimin is getting anxious. His fingers fidget along his sweatpants and looks at the other's drowsy appearance. Jimin knows he isn't tired, it's just from being intoxicated; the poisonous liquid running through his veins. 

Jimin bites his lip and sits up to his hands and knees, leaning down over the center of the latter's sweats. He makes eye contact for a moment as Jungkook nods slightly, giving the smaller permission and slides down his bottoms to mid-thigh. Jimin gets right to it, gently gripping the softened flesh, kissing the base. As Kook groans softly, he attempts to put a hand in Jimin's hair, him denying it as he pins it down, mouth engulfing Jungkook's heat. 

With mixed slurred words, Jungkook decides to respect the boys wishes and keeps his hand down. Jimin begins to bob his head with a fluid motion, eyes fluttering shut as he listens to the young adult. He speeds up slowly, having to hold down his hips next from bucking up. Jungkook tries to fight the urges to be rough and take control, but also wants Jimin to take his time with this. Jimin slides a hand down the latter's thigh, humming softly as he twists his head to come up from the tip, popping off. 

"You're being nice for once." He comments and the brings Jungkook's senses back, hand going to fist his hair and thrust his hips up to his mouth. Jimin growls and forces himself off to sit up, glaring at Jungkook. "No. We take my time. We are doing this my way." With that, the other relaxes a little and leans back to watch, the small male smirking when he listens. "Good boy." 

Jungkook growls at that before it turns to a soft moan, Jimin's lips wrapping around his cock again to smile a little. Jimin repeats his speeding up and slowing down process, getting the other worked up as he feels that warm knot. "Jimin, could you please just hurry?" Kook grunts frustrated and Jimin quirks an annoyed brow, going to get up. "I could just leave your ass here to do it yourself, bossy jackass. MY time." He says again and Jungkook covers his face, grunting in agony. "Please? I just want to get off." 

Jimin smirks to that response and helps the taller man cum, lips tightly wrapped around the tip as Jungkook's cum gushes into his mouth. Jimin continues to suck softly on the head, watching amused at Jungkook's state, his moans beginning to break. The drag of the lifeguard's lips is making Jungkook go insane and leans his head back to the wall, the latter's hand grabbing onto his length to get better stability. The work of his lips on the tip causes Jungkook to cum again, getting some on his chin and cheek, running down his neck.

Jimin still isn't done and wants to show this man what it was like if he would give him the chance to take his time. Jimin bobs his head a little further from the tip downward, sucking in a lewd manner. This action has Jungkook gasping a little and rubbing over his eyes, panting with uncontrollable moans to make Jimin feel good about himself. Coming back to the tip, Kook cums once more into the others mouth, Jimin swallowing that too and leaves a little in his cavern to swirl his tongue on the slit, cum dripping from the corner of his mouth slowly. 

Kissing and licking at the side of the head of Jungkook's cock, Jimin wants him to cum one more time as he sucks hard at the tip. Jungkook moans loudly only to fill Jimin's cheeks with his seed for the last time and Jimin stops, letting his shaft go and sits up to smirk at him. The small male wipes his neck to his cheek and licks what remains on his finger, humming. "Thank you, Jungkookie. I appreciate you allowing me to show you what I can do for once." 

The young male stays laid back on the wall, panting to take in all of the work Jimin just did to make him cum four times. It has only been 15 minutes. "You're really skilled." The latter giggles and sits back, biting his lip. "I may not look it, but I like pleasure just as much as you do. Only I control myself and don't give myself to everyone I see."


Jimin gave it to him STRAIGHT. Ah, a little smut for you all. I actually really enjoyed writing this one. The next chapter will be just as fun~

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