The veil

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Having climbed out of the ancient basin with the help of our newfound monarch wings, we continued to make our way through the city. "We've been in the city for a while." I thought. "Wait. I'VE been here for a while." How long had it been? It was impossible to know. Hallownest had no calendars, and the sun didn't shine anywhere.

There was only one way to get home. And I didn't even know if it would work. Then again, it was my only option, and there was only one way to find out.

Soon, we found an elevator. While I had played hollow knight, and enjoyed it more than any other story based game I had played, my memory of the area was a little fuzzy, likely having something to do with the crash. Convinced that the elevator would take us to the kingdom's edge, I hopped on. The knight followed suit, and we were off.

Arriving at our destination, I had one thought in mind. "This isn't Kingdom's Edge..." The peaceful, bluish landscape was a dead ringer for an area we had forgotten to visit. We were in the resting grounds.

Smashing a lever, the knight opened a trapdoor, presumably leading to the surface. Surprisingly, it actually did lead to the surface. Sitting near the door, was the statue of a warrior, clad in armor, nails at his side.

Moving forward, another statue presented itself. Except, it was actually three statues. Stepping up to the statues, a barrier surrounded us. It was a seal of binding. There was no getting out. With nothing better to do, I read the inscription. "Lurien the Watcher, in his tower. Monomon the Teacher, in her archives. Herrah the Beast, in her den."

And wouldn't you know it? All three dreamers appeared, to blast us off the face of the ear-... Hallownest? Either way, it worked, sending us to the dream world.

The dream world was bright, but surprisingly empty. Then again, everyone that would have had dreams, was likely dead. Soon, a moth shaped ball of light appeared. Fortunately, this one wasn't God. Instead of trying to kill us, she led us to the one thing we could escape with. We grabbed the dream nail at the same time. It glowed with power, and soon, the dream world was gone.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH" the old moth in front of us said. "You're finally awake!" Waking up in the Seer's home, there was the obvious question. "How did I get here?" Yet, I wasn't alone. Also awake now, was the knight, testing out their new dream nail. Stepping out of range, right before a swing, was a fun way to mess with them. Besides, they needed to stay somewhat Hollow.

The Seer quickly explained essence, and where to find the three dreamers, before sending us out into the world.

We decided to make our way back to the city, and hopefully make it to the kingdom's edge at some point. On our way back, we gave the statue of the three dreamers a wide berth, but the knight seemed to see something when we arrived at the trapdoor, and the warrior's statue. After what looked like a brief fight, the knight held out the dream nail. Taking hold of it, a figure appeared. It was Xero.

I handed back the dream nail, and the knight held it in front of them. Their robe fluttered, before all of the wind stopped. All I could do, was speculate. That was probably essence flowing into the dream nail.

And with that resounding victory, we hopped into the elevator once more, and returned to the city.

That's it for this chapter! It was kind of a short one, but there really wasn't much for me to cover in the resting grounds. The next chapter will actually be in kingdom's edge, I promise, but until then, I'll see you in the next chapter!

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