Chapter 6

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I rolled Kian out of the hospital in his wheel chair. I helped him get into the car. I drove back home. "Are you sure we should put Kayla up for adoption?" I asked Kian.

"Yeah I'm sure," he said.

We got home and Kayla came running at us. "Daddy are you ok?" She asked.

"Yeah um we need to talk," Kian said. Kayla nodded. "Mommy's dad might come back and we don't want him to hurt you. So you are going to get a new family. I know it's hard to under stand but when you get older you'll understand."

"Will I come back?" She asked.

"Hopefully," I said stroking her hair. She hugged us. I started to cry a little. I didn't want her to go but it was for the best.




A few days later we found Kayla a home to call her own. The couple was very sweet. Kian and I were at the front door with her and her parents were outside. I kneeled down and kissed her forehead.

"Remember that I love you," I said with teary eyes. "And that we are doing this because we love you."

"If you loved me less can I stay?" Kayla asked.

"We love you too much," Kian said. He had teary eyes. We both hugged her.

"Shall we go," Kayla's new adoptive mom said.

"I guess," Kayla said. She got her suitcase and they put her suitcase in the trunk and they said thanks and drove off. Kian and I sat on our doorstep watching them drive off. When we couldn't see the car anymore we stayed there for 10 more minutes talking.

"Come on it's getting cold," Kian said getting up. I got up and walked inside. I went into our bedroom and flopped down on the couch. Laying on my back. Kian layed down next to me.

"You ok?" Kian asked looking at me.

"I guess," I said looking at him.

"Do you think she'll remember us?" Kian asked as we were still looking at each other.

"Maybe," I said. Kian leaned in closer and kissed me. It was a very aggressive kiss and it was a little rushed. We released from our kiss and Kian bit his lip. He tends to do that after we kiss. After that we kept talking.


Sorry for the crappy update. Ok so I want to talk about the Kayla adoption thing for a second. So I know Nicole and Kian always wanted a little baby but I'm thinking for this book they may not have a baby. I made this decision because it would conflict with the story and the chapters I've had ideas for. She just wouldn't really fit into the story. I also might make changes to the chapter in my last book where Carly and Sam having a kid. And a Jc and Lia having a kid. Like I said I just feel like a kid wouldn't really fit into the story. But maybe at the end of book I'll have an epilogue of who had kids and who got married.

That's all I wanted to say for the Kayla adoption thing.

So I started a new fan fic. It a Jc Caylen fan fic it's called SoulMate. Please read it I'll update that one a lot.

Twitter- basicalydani

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