Chapter 1

6 1 1

◾ Y/n pov

Finally the plane landed on the airport of Seoul. The journey of 12 hours was so hectic that it made me tired. But I had important things ahead to do.

I quickly collected my bags and went outside. The hardest part of being here was the communication to me. I didn't had single idea of how this korean language is speaken.

On my way I had picked a learn korean book from airport. I tried to read it on flight but it was too boring so I just slept whole time.

But now as I was wandering on streets I regretted wasting my time. Soon I found a taxi parked so I walked towards it.

" Onionhasseo...." I read the translation of 'hii'.

"Hello!" The person said making my eyes wide.

" Umm... You can speak english?" I asked.

" Yess..." He smiled showing off his beautiful dimples.

" Ohh... Thank god!" I signed in great relief.

" Umm... Do you know where this place is?" I showed him the address written in the very old diary.

" Yeah of course. Sit in the car." He said observing the address carefully. I opened the door and sat inside with my bag.

The time was close to 6 pm and in the sky purple colour was spreaded. I awfully looked out of the window at the skyscrapers, the streets filled with so many people. I have seen so many people on streets roaming for first time.

As the car was stopped at the signal I saw a cute pair of mom and daughter sitting on the bench enjoying their icecream. Tears prickled into my eyes seeing that sight.

' I miss you mom!' I mumbled wiping the drop of tear.

I took out my phone and saw the wallpaper which displayed our pic from my 18th birthday. From childhood she has been the only person to me. She is the strongest and most confident women I have ever seen in my life.

I was very weak and naive girl who came crying at her mom when someone bullied her. I lacked confidence in myself cause I thought I was ugly. When I saw my friends with light skin color and straight hair I hated myself.

I wanted to become like them but my mom was the person who told me that color can never define a beauty. The beauty of the mind and brain which carry positive thoughts is the most important. I believed in her and her words.

I remember when she worked her ass off at two to three jobs per day to bring home some bread. I remember she skipping her own food to feed me. I remember how we went from single room apartment to one bedroom kitchen apartment. She was my inspiration to me.

Everything was going fine with life I was happy till the day when mom suddenly fainted while cooking. I took her to hospital and she was diagnosed with blood cancer third stage. My world had absolutely collapsed cause I was afraid.

But she stayed strong and fought back daily to the disease until a month back when she lost. I cried and cried till no tears were left in my eyes. I abandoned the food and thought of dying until her face flashed in front of my eyes and her last dialogues repeated in my head.

" Dont give up on life if I am not there with you. Remember I will be always watching you. You gotta stay strong and live your life fiercely like I did."

After some days I was just casually going through her closet and I found a mysterious box. When I opened, it displayed pictures, files and a diary. The pictures were of a person totally unknown to me.

The man had his arm wrapped around my mother's waist and from pictures looked like they were in love. He was fair and handsome with build body. There were many pictures and all displayed the lovey dovey couple. I opened the file which had displayed my name on it.

" Charles Y/n."

I went through the pages which were the reports of mom when she was pregnant. I stumbled at a page which had my all information.

Mom - Jessica Charles

Dad - Lee Siwon

My mouth was hunged open in shock. So I have a dad. When in past I used to ask mom about dad she always shrugged me off. After some time I had stopped talking about it as I didn't wanted to make her uncomfortable. I opened the diary which held empty pages.

Just on last page something was written.

Lee Siwon




I immediately decided to call on the mentioned number but it said that the number didn't exist.

I lost hopes and cut the call. But I wanted to know what was this man doing in the pics with my mom. I wanted answers to all the questions arising in my mind.

What was my connection with this man? Was he really my father? If true then why did he left my mom alone? These questions made me sleepless at night. I often took out the box and kept observing those pictures. And so I took the decision to come here.

I had put most of my savings into this trip and had a lot of hopes. I didn't wanted to get any disappointment and hoped things will turn good. Soon enough the driver stopped the car.

" Mam we are here..." I looked outside at a beautiful bunglow surrounded with garden. The house wasn't that huge and looked like it belonged to some middle class family.

" Can you help me with the korean here. I don't know how to speak well." I asked the driver for help.

" Sure..." He smiled and got off the car.

We opened the gates and went inside towards the wodden door. I rang the bell twice and in some minutes someone opened the door.

"예" (Yes) the middle aged woman said.

" Mam I need you help." I said in english and looked at the driver to translate it for me.

"네 도움이 필요해." He said and the woman looked towards me.

" Umm... do you know this person? I am searching for him." I showed her the pictures.

"그녀는 당신이 사진 속의 사람을 알고 있는지 묻습니다." The corners of her lips lifted up in a smile.

"알아..." (I know)

"그는이 집의 주인이었고 나에게 팔았다." I looked at the driver for translation.

" He was the owner of this house and sold it to her...

" 부산에서 가족과 함께 산다."

" Now he lives with his family in Busan."

" What's Busan?" I looked at driver in confusion.

" Its a famous city in Korea." He told.

" Do you have the address?" I asked with so many hopes.

"그의 주소가 있습니까?" He asked.

내 옛날 일기에 있을지 몰라도 네가 누군지 알아도 될까?" She blurted so many words that I looked at driver with doe eyes.

" She may have it in her old diary. But she is asking what's your relation with the man." I immediately showed her my wallpaper.

" She is my mom and the same person from pic beside this man. So I am searching for him."

"사진 속 여자는 엄마." He told her and her expression looked convincing. Without speaking anything she went inside.

" Why did she go inside?" I asked him.

" She is bringing the address you need." He told politely and looked away. I have never in my life seen a polite person like him which made me look at him in aww.

"여기에 주소가 있습니다." She said handing me a paper with address written in korean language.

"감사합니다..." (Thanks) He said bowing her and I also followed his actions and bowed the woman.

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