Chapter 5

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▪ Y/n pov

- The sky has mostly cleared now and the white clouds were slowly taking there place over the blue sky. In the west orange and yellow color was shaded perfectly into each other and sun was ready to set.

- Namjoon walked in front leading the way to the farm. The small muddy path was created through the farm which  made my shoes dirty.

- The crops were swinging on the air like they were biding their goodbyes to the setting sun. The dew drops settled on them shined yellow and blue due to sky's color.

- " Ouch...." I was so captivated into the scenery outside that my leg slipped but RM was quick to hold my hand.

- " Careful..." He said walking in front taking slow steps but still holding my hand lightly.

- These little gestures of him towards me were making my heart go softer for him. He was probably the first guy who genuinely told me I was beautiful.

- Soon we reached at a small wooden bridge located in the middle of farm. The small trees in the surrounding made it look more beautiful.

- " Its beautiful!!!" I said while scanning the whole place.

- " Me and Taehyung would always used to come here with grandma." He said while placing his hands on the wooden railing of the bridge watching the sun setting in front of his eyes.

- " Wow!!! Its really peaceful here." My mind feel at peace feeling the cold breeze hit my face.

- We stood there in silence as the chirping of birds landed on my ears. Some of them were flying in the open sky maybe celebrating their freedom.

- " RM... So how was your childhood? Earlier I told you mine now tell me yours." I looked at him with all attention excited to hear about him.

- " So my family consist of mom, dad and my little sister. I was more troublesome child than you. I was so clumsy breaking everything in the house. But due my mother's strictness and punishments I have got over it and become more careful about the things in my surrounding." I just laughed at the thought of RM receiving punishment to get rid of his clumsiness.

- " You are so lucky you had a sister. I always wished to have sibling so that I can share my toys, food, secrets with them." I said while pouting as I was a single child.

- " Hehe... Siblings are nothing like that. They are the pure devils on the Earth. Me and my sister we fought every second over toys, food, books, television remote, etc. If any of my secret is revealed to her she used to blackmail me and I had to do everything she tells me. But after I shifted to Seoul I started to miss her and realised how important she is to me." I noticed a beautiful smile plastered on his face while talking about his sister.

- We stood there silently and unknowingly some doubtful thoughts filled in my mind.
" RM.... Do you think I will be able to meet that man? Do you think he is my father?"

- " Y/n... If you observe closely I have noticed that you have some similar features so maybe he is related to you. And we will try our best so that you will be able to meet him." He put his hand over my hand which rested on the railing.

- That small touch assured me everything was going to be alright. It made all the negative thoughts disappear from my mind and I was ready to accept whatever will happen tomorrow.

- " Y/n.... I wanted to tell you something." I don't know why but my heart started to beat fast at those words. Its like that statement held a mystery not sure beautiful or ugly.

- " Why do you always call yourself weak? In experience of just some days I have realized that you doubt yourself a lot. Why do you do that?" His question was simple but enough to remember all the hard times.

- Though mom had told me numerous times that I shouldn't be insecure but it always strucked my mind. I always found myself envying at the girls in school, college, everywhere.

- " You know you have actually convinced yourself that you are weak when you clearly aren't. And you thinking that way keeps bothering me." His voice held deep concern and tears rolled down my eyes.

- Teachers, neighbors always mistreated me in some way or the other. The thought that people judging you by your color had stuck in my mind and I started believing in it.

- He placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it lightly.
" I am sorry for making you cry. I just spoke because it bothered me."

- " No... Don't apologize. Actually my mother had also told me many times about this but in the end I always end up believing what people say. Being daughter of single mother society and friends had many times treated me differently. I maybe started to see myself through their eyes and so I am like this." I wiped away the tears rolling down on my cheeks.

- " Y/n... You are much stronger than you think. You know why I am helping you... Cause I found something different within you. You are daring and bold but you hide it under the cover. Show everyone how strong you are and no one can ever mistreat you. Love yourself first." His words pierced through my body hitting my heart.

- A different flame was lighted up inside me which was full of confidence. I started to think about myself from another perspective which only held positive things.

- " I feel good. There's sudden built of confidence within me and the people talking bad about me shouldn't bother cause I am who I am. I love myself that way... Yeah, I should love myself that way."

- Seemed like slowly all the things were making sense. I internally felt like jumping on the flowers by being a butterfly.

- " I am glad to see you happy like this.  Just be like this forever dont lose your confidence." He said stressing the fact that I shouldn't loose confidence and I nodded to him.

- The sky had now turned into dark blue shade and sun had disappeared from the sight. Instead the stars twinkled along with moon beside them.

- The chirping of birds stopped and now the sound of crickets echoed. My gaze went to the dog who was all time sleeping laying his head on Namjoon's leg.

- " He's cute. What's his name?" I asked.
" Its Yeontan but just call him Tannie." The second names always feel better for me to pronounce.
" Tannie..." I called and he immediately looked at me.

- " Should we go?" RM asked and I nodded my head.

- We walked through the same path towards the house. Outside the house now the place was lighted up by the lamp posts.

- Reaching the house we had dinner which was the best food I had in Korea. Though I didn't know how to tell that to grandma RM helped me with words and I delivered my message to her in korean which brought a surprised smile on her face.

- I was given a seperate guest room to sleep while RM decided to sleep on the couch. As I layed in the bed under the warm duvet Tannie crawled up and slept beside me.

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