Chapter 6

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▪ Y/n pov

- The sun today rose with much hopes to me. Hopes to meet the man and finally get answers to my questions.

- Today I was cautious with my sleep. I kept waking up in middle of night just to check the time. Thankfully I woke up on time and got ready.

" 할머니, 이제 떠나겠습니다. 나중에 보자 자신을 돌봐." ( Grandma, we will leave now. See you later and take care of yourself.) RM told while exiting the house.

- We bidded our goodbyes to the old woman and sat in the car. The weather was really refreshing today.

- " Lets goo!!!" RM sounded really excited. The cold morning breeze hit my face as I rolled down the window of car.

- The rays of the rising sun landed on my face making it shine.
" I love this weather..." I said looking at him.

- " Then lets play some songs. I know you won't understand but thay are really good." He played some random song called eight.

- The sweet voice of the singer immediately made me fall in love with the song. The melody of the rap was really cool too, something which I have never heard before.

- There were some english words in between too which were preety easy to grab. The song was perfect for drive and I felt like floating on the air.

- " This is too good. I am immediately adding it to my spotify playlist." I unlocked the phone and searched for the song while RM just chuckled at my actions.

- " You like it?" He asked.
" Nope... I loved it!" I didn't understand the lyrics but the song gave me an unknown comfort which made me feel excited.

- " I am glad..." He smiled showing off his pretty dimples.
" They are really pretty." I said catching him by surprise.

- " What's pretty?" He asked confused.
" Your dimples.... Can I poke them just once?" I facepalmed myself after saying that.
'Oh Y/n! He is just gonna assume you as a creepy girl now.'

- " Ummm.... Okayy..." He agreed but the tone wasn't that convincing.
" Ahh... I am sorry. I just blurt out anything." I looked outside avoiding his facial expression.

- " Hey... Its okay. Actually all my friends love to do that to me. So I am used to it." He chuckled.
'God! Even his laugh is so contagious.'

- " No... I don't wanna make you uncomfortable." I denied as I thought he might have said it to just be kind to me.

- " Its really fine. I promise you." And now I had no option but poke his dimples.

- He smiled showing me his dimples. I lifted my pointed finger and poked his dimples which were deep. His skin was soft like honey.

- " Wow!" I exclaimed being amused by the experience.
" I really hate the dimples sometimes. The random girls in my college go feral over them." After that I was sure that he must be the popular guy in his college.

- " Ohh... You might've a girlfriend then." I have told him all my life's discography so I asked it without any hesitation.

- " No... I don't do relationships due to some bad past experiences. I prefer to focus on my job and studies."
So he was kind off nerd too.

- " I wanted to ask you a question."
" Ask...."
" Why do you drive taxi?" Listening to him earlier seemed like he was from a middle class good family so the fact of him doing a job always made me question it.

- " Actually, I love producing music and rapping. So I am an underground rapper. I don't like asking my parents to buy me equipments as they are quite costly. So, I do different part time jobs. Once my goal is achieved I stop doing it."
This man is so unique and versatile.

- " Wow! That's so cool. When I saw you I never expected this coming." I was honestly too shocked.

- " Hehe... Do you wanna listen to it?" He asked and I immediately nodded my head in excitement. He plugged his phone and started a song called Joke.

- The beat from starting was going crazy and then when he started spitting words I went crazy. His flow was butter and the way he let the words out was unique too.

- " This is... I mean too good! I am speechless... This is art." I was failing at finding the appropriate words to describe the art.

- " Thanks..." Again I noticed how his ears became red after receiving compliment.

- " How much time is left?" It has been much time since we had started our journey.

- " Just half an hour."
" Okay!" As we were coming close to the destination I was feeling a ball of nervousness forming in pit of my stomach.

- I was excited to see that person but also awkward to encounter him. Like what was I going to ask him, 'are you my father'.

- What if he says that he is not the person in pics with my mom and doesn't even know her. The nervousness was creeping inside me making me imagine awful moments of how the things can turn.

- I kept my hand on the beating heart and closed my eyes trying to calm myself down. I thought about only positive outcomes and it helped me. It helped me calm down.

- I opened my eyes to see the tall buildings and wide roads filled with cars. The GPS on screen showed the guide to the address which lady gave earlier.

- The time was passing fast and right now we stood in front of that house. There was a name plate on the wall beside the iron gate.
" Whats written on that?" I asked RM.

- " Choi Siwon..." He said in a whispered voice. Everything felt like a dream in moment.

- It was some days ago when I came to this country unknown about everything. RM helped me throughout the journey and now we were here standing in front of this house.

- I opened the car followed by RM. We together walked towards the house and opened the gates. I was ready to press the doorbell but my hands were shivering.

- I felt him grab my another hand and I looked back in shock he just noded assuring me that I should go for it. I pressed the doorbell and waited for a minute but no response.

- I did it again but nothing from the other side.
" Wait... I will ask in neighborhood." RM said.
" Okay!" I noded and we went away.

- My hand immediately missed his warmth and the feeling of comfort. I wondered what was going to happen next.

- After some time RM returned running inside.
" They said..." He was huffing so I told him to calm down first.

- " They said that he is probably at work and will return in evening. We will have to wait." He was still trying to catch his breath.

- " Its okay... Will you stay with me?" I asked him making doe eyes. His job was to drop me which he had done so I thought he might leave now.

- " Yeah... Of course I will stay with you. Lets leave and wait in the car." He grabbed my hand and we walked towards the car.

- We bought some food and waited in the car at the corner of road from where the house was visible. From morning to afternoon to evening we stayed in same place chatting and eating.

- " Y/n... I wanted to tell you something just don't find it weird. I just want to express my feelings." He said in a serious tone but something else had already caught my attention.

- " He's here. He's going inside. Should we go?" I asked panicked.

- " Hmm.... I think we should go." He said while looking at the house.

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