Chapter 4

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▪ Y/n pov

- After having our lunch at some restaurant we set off for our journey to Daegu. From what RM told that his friend something named Taehung stays in London.

- His gradma lives in Daegu and some days ago he had sent a package for RM to deliver it to her personally. The box was in RM's room so when we collected it I didn't forgot to open and check what was inside.

- The side of me which was still lacking a bit of trust made me do so. I just wanted to assure myself that I was doing right thing. What I saw inside was sweaters, mufflers, warm socks which his gradma will probably need for the upcoming winter season.

- " Do you want some music?" RM asked interrupting my thoughts as we were travelling in the car.

- " No... Its okay." I wasn't in mood to listen music cause I wanted to talk to him.

- " RM... when did you learn english? Cause you are really really fluent." I asked as the question was lingering in my mind from quite period of time but I always forgot to ask.

- " I actually learned by watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S." He said with a smug smile on his face.

- " Really? No you are lying... How can you learn a language by just watching the series." I didn't trust him at all.

- " Its true. Actually my mom bought me all the 10 DVDs of series. First I watched it in korean and then in english. I used to note the new words, grammar and in that way I learned. You know how it doesn't get bored even if you have watched it thousands of times." I understand in that moment that the person sitting beside me was hella intelligent.

- " Thats unbelievable. You are really good and sound like some native speaker." I really appreciated his efforts.

- " Thanks... That's a huge compliment." He said embarrassed by too much of my sweet words.

- " So how was your childhood?" He asked.

- " Just me and my mom. She was too strong to raise me all by herself but I was weak as a child. Actually I am cause I still get bothered of the fact of people judging me. I was a troublesome child who demanded for everything. Once I went to her and said
' Mom! I want to be like Lia. She has fair skin, she is beautiful and rich too. Her dad buys her everything.'
What she did was take me on her lap and explain how I shouldn't compare my life to others. That time I thought it was just an another boring unneeded lecture. When I started to go to college I started to understand her struggles more and I understood how inconsiderate I was as a child." Those memories brought tears in my eyes but a smile was also plastered on my face remembering those sweet but sour moments.

- " I can understand. We children always take our parents for granted as they hide their struggles from us. But you shouldn't think you are weak cause guts are needed to come to an total unknown country. And really dont compare yourself cause  are beautiful and gorgeous." His simple compliment did something to my heart and I felt shivers down my spine.

- " T-thank you..." I stuttered while tugging the single strand of hair behind my ear.

- I diverted my attention outside to beautiful scenery. We were travelling through the beautiful mountains full of greenery and small waterfalls. Korea was indeed a beautiful country.

- " We are close to our destination." RM said and I nodded in response. The sun was hidden behind the gray clouds which were pouring little by little.

- After some time we entered into local area where I saw children playing outside. He parked the car in front of a big house at the end of road. In left of the house was a shed where various animals were there.

- Around the house was a simple wodden fencing which wasn't obviously enough for protection. He opened the small wooden gate and entered the front yard filled of different types of flowers.

- I kept observing around and was mesmerised by the beauty. Soon we reached at the door step and RM knocked on the door. After some minutes an old lady opened the door and a cute dog came outside barking at us.

- " 좋은 저녁 할머니!" (Good evening, grandma!) RM bowed and I followed his actions.

- " 태형 할머니 께서 보내 주셨어요." (Grandma, Taehyung has sent you something.) He said handing the box.

- "오 남준 안으로 들어와주세요." ( ohh... Namjoon, Thanks. Please come inside.) The lady said. As I wasn't understanding anything I kept examining her.

- She looked old but from her body at the same time she seemed strong. My gaze averted at the dog tucking my dress.

- I crouched down and petted him. He was such a cute and well behaved that he quietly sat on his two legs
observing me while I was gently rubbing his back.

- "미안 할머니 우리 부산으로 가야 해."
( sorry grandma, we have to leave for Busan.)
"그냥 들어 와서 숙녀에게도 물어봐." ( just come in and ask the lady too.)

- " Y/n..." I looked at RM who was calling me.
" She is inviting us inside, lets go for some time." He said and I agreed.

- We went inside and sat on the couch. The house was pretty warm compare to chill weather outside. It was wooden and the floor was covered with carpets.

- The lightning also wasn't that bright but enough to lighten the room. The lady came out with glasses of water and offered us.

- " 그녀는 남준이 누구야?" (Who is she Namjoon?)
" 그녀는 내 친구 Y / n." (She is my friend Y/n.) She said and I guess he might be introducing me so I smiled at the lady.

- " Y/n... She is my friend's grandma." He introduced and I bowed to her.
" On-onionhaseyo." I stuttered with my broken english and she just sweetly smiled at me.

- "왜 부산에 가니?"(why are you going to busan?)
" 그녀는해야 할 개인적인 일이 필요했습니다." ( she needed some personal work to be done.)
Again as I wasn't understanding a thing I decided to scan the room.

- The house was quite big and open. There were many windows but right now closed maybe due to the weather outside. The walls were decorated with paintings from a child.

- Various pics of a boy were also pinned here and there. The house wasn't decorated professionally it was simple.

- " 여기서 밤을 지내지 그래? 나는 저녁을 준비 할 것이다. 내일 떠나도 돼.
( why don't you stay here for night? I will prepare dinner. You can leave tomorrow.)
" 나는 그녀에게 물어볼 것이다." (I will ask her.) RM turned towards me and I gave him a questioning look.

- " She is asking us to stay for tonight. She said she will prepare dinner and we can leave tomorrow." He asked and I immediately nodded my head as a yes cause I really liked this place.

- The place was warm and gave me vibes of my house.
" Are you sure?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

- " Yep!" I said showing him a thumbs up.
"그녀는 그렇다고 말했다." ( she said yes)
The grandma immediately smiled and clapped in excitement.

- " 레이디가 좋아하는 특별한 요리가 있나요?" (Is there any special dish lady likes?)
"당신의 편안함에 따라 아무것도 준비하지 마십시오." (No prepare anything according to your comfort.)
As I was done with examining everything I sat there looking back and forth studying their expression trying to guess what they must be talking.

- "저녁 준비하러 갈게. 원한다면 농장을 방문하십시오." ( i will go prepare dinner. You can go visit farm.)
She said standing up and went into kitchen.

- " Do you wanna visit their farm?" RM asked me. I had never in my life seen such things apart from school's boring field trip.

- " Okay..." I was excited to look more outside. I followed him like a child and realised the dog has also followed us.

- " He is following us." I told RM pointing at the small dog.

- " Don't worry... He will be alright." He assured and we started to walk on the small muddy road.

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