Twenty Eight

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A nightmare this might be that's what Taehyung thought yet it was no dream
Grace was gone and she didn't come back.

He told himself to get busy she clearly said she won't come back then why should he wait still he found himself sitting by the window, staring at the night sky. He won't admit but he is still waiting.

Ji Hoon didn't come home for two days and when he did, he acted as if it was not a big deal, well at least not for him.

'You know Grace I was only angry because I'm worried about you ..... Won't you forgive me' A masked smile was all it took to have Dohyoon by his side.

' Don't he be angry anymore look your father brought you the brown sweets that you like' Her mother had her happiness back and Grace had to smile.


It's not like she had any other option, A few more days and then I will go

Her life is a mess. Nothing seems normal like it used to be she lost one and the other looks unfamiliar too.

"Let's forget that day" That's what Hoseok said when Grace apologized

" You want to forget it " it was not a good memory still it has Hoseok so it's precious.

"Yeah, I don't want to remember it" Hoseok looked relieved, a day together might be nothing for him

"Okay," Grace agreed, if he wants it erased then it's okay.

She wants to get closer to him, she hates school and she hates home. Hoseok is his only escape from reality.

Everything has lost its life of it, she found everything pointless.
The most important part of her day was Tae, when will night come so that I can meet him? now Night was nothing but darkness.

How is he?
I wonder what he is doing right now.
I miss his voice
I miss his deep eyes looking at me
I miss the graceful hair that covers his face
I miss him

Does he miss me too? He shouldn't.

The pain can be more than now if he doesn't forget.

These were the thoughts which put her to sleep, again and again and again.

Tae had taken over her mind

She dreams about him often,  a sweet dream turned into a nightmare

And she wakes up: crying.

Because every time in her dream Tae dies .............. Because of her.

Soon she tries not to sleep but she would fail every time...... The dreams were horrendous except for one

The long one

It was like she was there she had this dream before
The sunset, the flowers and Tae ..... She looked around but she couldn't find Hoseok

"He is not here " Tae softly whispered

"Why not "

"Because you don't want him here, you want me" he took her hand and held it tightly.

"It's just a dream " She knows still she is happy.

"No, this is your desire " Tae stood up and let go of her hand " I'm still here for you "

The dream broke and her hand was empty ...........:: MY DESIRE

That's when she did what she should never have


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