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"Taetae, wake upp!" Jimin storms into his room.

"Ugh, Minnie.. it's too early" Taehyung whines and pulls the blanket over his head.

"Hey, you should get up! Today is the registration day!"

"Oh.... OH!" His mind wakes up but the body doesn't follow that well. He slowly stands up with a sigh and starts to get ready. His wish is going to come true but he just really /really/ loves sleeping. Guess he'll have to give up on his lovely bed for a while.


"Woah, there are so many people here!" Jimin exclaims, looking around. "I mean... so many guys. there are no girls here."

"Yeah," Taehyung chuckles. The guys approach one of the tables that seem to have fewer men in the line and wait there for their turn.

"Hello. Your name, please." A woman says to Taehyung without lifting her head up from the papers.

"Kim Taehyung."

"Are you volunteering?"


"For how long?"

"6 Months."

The woman finally looks up and tries to subtly check him out right away but fails miserably, resulting the boy to bite on his tongue to not laugh as she ducks her head, blushing and clearing her throat and writing down what is needed.

"And your name?" She gestures at the blonde.

"Park Jimin."


"Are you ready?" Jimin glances at his best friend.

The latter nods and they step inside the building. Their belongings are checked and they are taken to the vehicle, which is going to bring them to the place where they will spend the next half of the year.

The 2-hour long ride is really boring and awkward due to all of the guys being strangers to each other. When they arrive Taehyung lets out a sigh of relief because the uncomfortable silence has finally ended.

The Junior Lieutenant (as everyone could tell by the single star on his shoulder) is waiting for the vehicle and when all of the guys are standing on the ground he leads them inside of a huge building, the place where they will sleep. There are so many doors in the hall that the guys can't even see the end of it.

The Lieutenant goes inside the third room and Taehyung cheers inside his mind because the room is near the exit and he won't get lost, which he often does. The room has 10 beds in it. The said Lieutenant drops the needed amount of the guys off there and takes others to the next room.

The two best friends just step close to the two small beds on the furthest side and throw their bags on them. Taehyung is about to sit on it when he hears a low, intimidating voice.

"That one is taken."

He turns his head around and looks at the guy, who is already glaring at him. Taehyung glances at Jimin, who has a tense look on his face, and they notice that the room has gone awfully silent.

"Are there any rules that say you're owning a bed?" Taehyung sounds rather annoyed by this guy's attitude. This unknown man standing in front of him is slightly shorter than Taehyung, but it seems like he thinks pretty high and mighty of himself.

"Don't make me repeat myself and just fucking move."

"There're tons of beds here. Why are you throwing a tantrum over this petty shit?"

"Don't fucking think you can talk to me like that!"

Now those words makes Taehyung outraged. He steps closer to the other, who doesn't seem fazed by the action.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?"

The guy grabs Taehyung's arm harshly. "You better keep your mouth shut."

⚠️TW//Violence, blood.⚠️

"So annoying." Taehyung grits his teeth as he tries to snatch his arm from the male's grip, but the latter just wouldn't let him go so he pushes the man away aggressively, making him stumble back a little. Blame Tae for his short temper. And the latter is suddenly punched in the face.

"What the fuck, man!!" Jimin shouts as he rushes over to his best friend's side. Taehyung wants to punch this guy back but he doesn't like fighting over some stupid things. Plus, his nose is bleeding so he has to pay attention to stop the blood rushing down his chin. Taehyung doesn't really have time to think bitterly how he couldn't get back to the shorter male because that man has someone else grabbing him by the collar and shouting at him already.

"Oh my god! are you okay?! Ugh, that fucking asshole I'm gonna-" Jimin carefully checks if his nose is broken. Luckily, it is not. Taehyung doesn't really care about pain. He looks at another new person in front of him, who is not letting go of the "Devil's" collar, but they soon get separated by others. Then the defender turns to Taehyung.

"Are you okay?"

"I've been better." He answers bitterly.

The 'bad guy' just walks out of the room as Jimin shoots lasers at him with his eyes, trying so hard to hold back so he won't beat the shit out of him and make things worse.

The guy looks at Taehyung's face, "okay...um, I'll bring some ice." He says before glancing at the people staring at them. "The show's over. It would've been better if some of you stepped in with me, though." He spits before he steps outside. He comes back with an ice bag and hands it to Taehyung. The cold feeling slowly making the stinging sensation disappear.

"Taetae, are you really okay?" Jimin asks with his brows furrowed.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He answers and looks up at the kind-looking guy with a small smile, "Thanks for helping me."

"Jackson Wang has been here for around 4 years already, He has been to Afghanistan and barely made it alive. He's kindhearted but also really bad with communication... I'm sure he didn't intend to blow up like that. I'm sorry." The 'savior' sayswhile fidgeting with his fingers.

The friends are confused about why he is protecting that Jackson guy, but then Taehyung thinks about it and he himself might have stepped too far as well. He isn't going to hold a grudge against Jackson, but he's definitely going to be more careful in the future.


Two characters entered the story!! Who do you think the new hero is? Hehe~

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