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The morning starts awfully for Taehyung and others again. The extremely loud noise of airhorns wakes everyone up with a groan, except Jimin. He has a slight fever from overworking his body so he is still resting in the hospital room.

The 6 guys have to train harder than other soldiers now. Punishment.

They have to crawl in the mud, run around car tires, and hike up on the special training walls. They should repeat it several times and have such a short amount of time for rest... But they must get used to it. The final stage of their workout is the push-ups. Which is actually the easiest task for them.

At the end of the day, the guys feel so tired that they barely make it to their room.


Jimin opens his eyes early in the morning. He wants to sleep more but some weird type of thoughts are keeping him awake.

He is almost 100% sure that it wasn't Taehyung who dropped by in the middle of the night. Taehyung stayed there before Jimin himself asked him to go get some rest as well. He knows Taehyung wouldn't sneak around, he'd just cross his arms and sit there with a huge pout like a big baby, trying to convince his best friend to let him stay and in the end, he'd give up. He knows because that's exactly how things went by. But... who else would want to see him?

The nurse coming back to do a check-up on him interrupts his train of thoughts and soon he's free to go back to his room, shaking his head as it's starting to hurt again from thinking so hard.


This familiar airhorn noise again... it is unbearable. '2 more weeks of this? Oh hell no!' Taehyung gets up rather quickly, irritated by the way of waking him up.

The boys repeat the same routine as yesterday. After the push-ups, Taehyung chugs a whole bottle of water. He is panting and the beads of sweat are rolling down from his face to his neck and chest, his damp hair sticking to his forehead. He can feel Jeongguk's stare but decides to ignore him.

Even though Taehyung feels some kind of attraction towards the Lieutenant, he knows that he would be playing with fire if he had shown any signs of liking the said man. Yes, he admits that he is attracted to Jeongguk. He doesn't know why. Or maybe he does... Maybe it's because that man is a literal sex bomb? How he looks when he is all serious with his intimidatingly sexy body in his uniform? Or did Taehyung fell for the genuine smile Jeongguk once showed when he was talking about something with Namjoon? Taehyung has witnessed that bunny like smile and he almost has had a heart attack. He wants to see more of that human side of Jeongguk. Maybe getting to know him won't be that bad.... or maybe it will.

"Time's up. Continue running." Jeongguk's voice makes the other come down to earth.

"How much longer will this continue?" Taehyung asks him, his tone tired but still careful.

"A week. And from another week on you'll start following us for minor missions. We'll show you another base, hiding sites in the woods, and teach you what you have to do. Other soldiers will do that too but the seven of you have to take your physical punishment first."

Taehyung nods and goes back to doing everything all over again.

Taehyung eventually gets used to waking up early. Everything is the same except that he sees only Namjoon standing by the door, no Jeon Jeongguk in sight.

'Where is he?' Taehyung tilts his head in curiosity. He can't help but decide to look for him until they start training and sneaks out of the room quietly. Of course, Namjoon notices him but acts like he was too busy with others. He knows where Taehyung is going.

The latter wanders around before he finally reaches the Lieutenant's awfully quiet cabinet. He stares at the door for a while before he forces himself to knock. There is no response so he knocks again and sees that the door isn't even locked. He then turns the knob down and peeks inside the room.

And he is greeted by such a sight, Jeongguk's bare back. Those muscles almost make Taehyung choke on his saliva. He knew that Jeongguk was bulky but he didn't expect that he would be a definition of perfect. Sadly, he doesn't have much time to appreciate the view because Jeongguk turns around and- wow, those Abs... The Lieutenant smirks at the other's expression. Taehyung can only pray that there's no drooling involved. He feels like a horny teenager who can't keep his thoughts (and something else as well) to their place and flushes from embarrassment. He freezes for a second, blinking once, twice before helplessly opening and closing his mouth before Jeongguk finally ends his suffering.

"What are you doing here?" He asks with an ice-cold voice as he puts his white tank top on.

"I was curious about why you weren't with Namjoon..."

"Today is the last day of your punishment. I'm not needed there anymore."

"Oh.. okay."

"Anything else you want to know? Or are you just going to stand there and keep drooling?"

"I'm not-! Ugh, nevermind. I'm leaving." Taehyung huffs and storms out without saying any more, holding his cheeks with both of his palms, trying to cool them down. Oh my fucking god.

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