Meeting on roofs

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They went up to the roof and sat on the ground, and the girl hurried to say:

- Isn't the floor cool?

- Sorry for that, tomorrow I'll bring something to sit on.

- Have you had a good day?

- After we were separated, I don't think so.

- Don't say that. We will stay together forever.

- Yes, you're right...


- Why are you so absent-minded?

- I enjoy watching the sunrise. You can't see this view every time. Isn't awesome?

- Yes, just looking at it helps you to forget all your worries and brings joy and pleasure into your heart.

Suddenly, the girl was surprised by the cry of her friend:

- Move quickly, we have forgotten, look, time has run out, move quickly any minutes, our parents will wake up.

Thus, each one went to his path, agreeing to meet next time on the roof of the girl's house.

Eight o'clock in the morning, they met at school and everyone reminds his mate by the next appointment. Hours have passed. Until the time for sleep comes, each of the two friends waits impatiently for the approaching sunrise. And they had what they wanted after hours of waiting.

When they saw each other on the roof of the girl, they hugged for a while, and then the boy said:

- Look, I didn't forget what I promised you.

- Thank you, but didn't you hear that the global epidemic COVID 19 has entered the Tunisian territories on television?

- Yes, yes, so what?

- Isn't this enough to stop us from meeting together? I heard many doctors say that it's better to have a social spacing this period so that the other patient does not transmit infection to a healthy person. also, the government has closed all schools.

- Don't worry, with this procedure, we won't go out of our homes, and this is sufficient for both of us not to be infected with COVID 19. Finally we guarantee that we are safe. So, this doesn't prevent us from meeting.

- Yes, you're right.

At the end of the sunrise in minutes, everyone returned to his home.

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