Time in the street

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The boy came back to his house, unwilling to live, even if one minute, and when he opened the door, he found his mother in front of him and said:

-Where you were, I was looking for you all over the house.

- I went for a walk, tired of sitting at home.

- Ok, but don't delay again.

- Ok mom.

- Come with me, I'll give you a shopping list, your father has an urgent job at the clinic.

The boy reached out and asked for the money. The mother said:

- Don't go away, buy from that store behind our house and come back quickly. The outside isn't safe.

- Ok mom, don't be afraid, I'm a mature man.

The boy went to the store, and he was still affected by what his friend said. Fortunately, there is a short queue. Minutes later, he left the store, rushing home. Changing his way back home, he took a different path from usual trying to forget what happened to him. On the way back, there was a park and the boy saw an elderly man sitting on the ground, motionless. This old man could only move his face. The boy wanted to comfort him, so he sat next to him and offered him juice. The boy forgot his mother's warning about not to approach people, especially during this period. They may be infected with the Corona virus. This happened, perhaps because of his grief. The boy said:

- Grandpa, you know I'm the most miserable person in the world, my girlfriend, I guess, left me.

The old man turned his head to him with sad eyes.

After that, he returned home quickly afraid of his mother punishment for being late.


After the boy ate his dinner, he got into his room confused:

- How can I tell my friend while she is being held in her room. I have to find a way without her father's knowledge.

Within minutes of thinking, he had a wonderful idea and went to sleep.

each song got a story (season 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang