Bad news

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The boy returned to his home in pain. He is Still affected and disbelieved to parting with his girlfriend. He couldn't sleep at all, so he turned soft and easy on his bed, trying to sleep, but to no avail. In the end, the boy managed it.

The morning came and he woke up late to the sound of the ambulance alarm, so he was surprised to find it in front of his friend's house. He approached his window more to confirm what he saw, and he became more confused when he saw his friend's parents crying in front of their door house. So the boy asked himself:

- Why are they crying? A hateful event for my girlfriend! How?

Then he went downstairs and found his parents in front of him, so he asked them:

- Why is there an ambulance in front of my friend's house?

His father: We don't know, my son, they didn't allow us to approach it.

Mother: We also tried to ask a nurse from our place, but he never spoke.

The boy neglected his parents and quickly left the house, then he approached the ambulance, but the security agents stopped him. He saw two nurses leaving a hospital carrier with a person in it on the ambulance, but he didn't recognize that person. Suddenly he saw a bracelet of colored stones on the person's hand; it's the bracelet that he gave to his friend on her tenth birthday. The boy realized then that his friend was dead. So he felt goose bumps, and the world around him became black and fell to the ground of despair.

His crying was heard all over the neighborhood, but he managed to control his cry and went straight towards his friend's father, angry:

- What did you do to her? Why is she dead?

Her mother: We don't know either, son.

Father: Go away? She is our daughter, and we are sadder than you for her. And don't act the role of the sad. She doesn't need your compassion on her.

- What did you mean by this?

- Sure, you know, I mean, you're the first responsible for her death.

- Are you crazy, how can I hurt my only friend?

- Yes boy, I'm sure you have the Corona virus and you have transmitted it to my daughter. Don't forget you were met her secretly. Stay away from us.

- What did you say, old man, if I were really infected as you claim, so I must be dead before my friend?

- No matter how, and stop say my friend, it's not, you destroyed her life, as she was still young. The test will confirm my words, which we will conduct a sample of her blood. You will pay dearly.

- Silence, old man, you're wrong, and soon you will apologize to me. Then I will never forgive you. Understood?

Then his father rushed to him and ordered him to go home. Then he said to his son friend's father:

- I'm sorry, sir. I apologize for you on that behavior of my son.

- Your family will pay the price, especially your son, and tell him to clean up his lungange.

Then the father turned his attention to his son:

- Apologize to the man right away.

The boy: No way.

Then the boy rushed to his house, he was very angry about what his friend's father told him, and he is also sad for losing his friend.

Then the father of the boy said to the girl's father:

- I'm sorry again.

- Don't apologize, because you can't make me forgive your child...

Then the boy's father joined his son, and then he said to him:

- How do you do this to me?

- Do you believe him?

- Didn't I tell you to stay away from his daughter? He told me everything. You are punished, boy.

Then the father left the boy's room.

each song got a story (season 1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora