Chapter 10: The Truth

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Chapter 10: The Truth

"Now you listen here, Sokka!" I shot with a glare.

"I really don't want to hurt your feelings or anything but this has gone too far!" I shouted. "There is something you must know!"


Sokka stared at me questionably. He didn't say anything either which was a good sign to me. I walked towards him and sat down beside him.

"Well, what is it?" He asked.

"Well, you see. . . How would I put this? . . . Just be friends! All we gotta do, just be friends! It's hard to say goodbye, just be friends! All we gotta do, just be friends! Just be friends! Just be friends!" I broke out into song.

"What?" He asked.

"I can't do this," I mumbled. I turned away from him as I just couldn't look at his face which was full of confusion, from what I would think it would be.

"What is it, River?" He asked me. I felt a warm hand touch my shoulder in a soft grip. I rested my head on the cold wall next to me because it was either the wall or Sokka. Of course I would choose the wall over him.

Yes, just you and me, baby. Let's make love~ ha ha, just kidding. Wait, or am I?

"River, what's the matter?" He asked. I groaned inwardly and turned back to him. I could see the hurt in his eyes. I really didn't want to answer that question. I didn't want to hurt him. Sokka meant a lot to me, and I couldn't beat him with that kind of trouble. It would break my heart if I hurt him even more than I already have.

"It's nothing," I mumbled, still not wanting to face him. I can't hurt him. I can't hurt him. I can't hurt him. Tomato sandwich. Tomato sandwich. Tomato sandwich. Ugh, my cravings are getting the best of me. I miss my tomatoes. And cheddar cheese, mayonnaise, and toasters. Yes, surprisingly toasters. Even when they do scare the living crap out of me when the bread pops out of it.

I felt a hand take hold of my chin and it was forcibly turned towards Sokka. It wasn't in a harsh turn, but it wasn't quite that gentle either.

"Please, what's going on? What are you not telling me? River, I'm begging you to tell me. Come on, please?" The sincerity and heartbreak was in his voice that I heard ever so clearly.

I closed my eyes as I didn't dare to look into his. I didn't have the inner strength to stare at tender blue eyes; for what I would fear to see in his saddened ones that would beckon guilt to mine. I couldn't live with that. I refuse to make him upset. It would be all my fault in the end and it would be quite difficult to put him back to his normal happy self.

"River. . ." I heard him whisper, but I shifted my head away at those words. I couldn't do this. What's the matter with me? Why can't I do this? Why can't I just simply tell him I'm already engaged to Zuko? Why is this so difficult to do?

"River, please tell me what's wrong." Sokka said as he caressed my cheek with his hand and began to rub circles with his thumb. What am I going to do? Why is this so hard for me? "River, come on. You know you can tell me anything."

I shook my head. That was the only thing I could possibly do. Shake my head. Why am I so weak? I'm basically pathetic when it came to this. This is just so pitiful.

"River, talk to me. Please, talk to me." Sokka said with plead in his voice. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly as my jaw clenched. How long can I take this pressure?

"I-I can't," I mumbled with a shaky breath. My voice sounded so broken and hoarse when I said that.

"River, come on, please. . . Please tell me." Sokka said.

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