Chapter 13: The Play

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Chapter 13: The Play

What would you think would be a nice wake up call? The sound of bird singing? The smell of fresh bacon? How about bombs? Because that exactly how I woke up this morning. Yes, you heard me correctly. BOMBS.

I'm going to die!

I could feel dust flying to my nose and the ceiling crumbling on top of us. It was going to fall any second now. Toph and Haru made a cave through the wall for us to go through. Zuko was the only one staying behind.

"Zuko! No!" Aang yelled. Katara, Sokka, and I grabbed Aang and Appa and helped direct them towards the cave. Ugh I can't stand this!

"I'm going to help Zuko!" I shouted and ran off.

"River, not you too!" I heard Sokka's voice before I made it out. I saw Zuko falling beneath of Azula.

"ZUKO!" I yelled out and jumped down towards him. I couldn't see him at all through all the fog. "Zuko! Where are you?!" Then I crash landed on something hard. "Ooow!"

I looked up to see Zuko. "You're okay!" I shouted. I got up and realized I was on an air ship. Cool. Zuko then made a run for it towards Azula. Before she could blast him with her blue fire, I pitched in and light bender her in the air and made her crash down. I gasped at what I did.

That was a new move. I never did that before. How did I do that?! Zuko and Azula kept fighting and they both flew off the air ship. I jump off as well because I noticed Appa. I was caught by Sokka and Zuko.

"Ugh, let's not start off our mornings by doing this. Ever again." I muttered as I hold onto my head with my right hand. Great, now I have a headache.

We had to make camp somewhere else for the night since the air temple is most likely destroyed.

"Wow. Camping. It really seems like old times again, doesn't it?" Aang said.

"If you really want it to feel like old times, I could chase you around awhile and try to capture you." Zuko said. We all laughed except for Katara. Geez, who stole her Oreos?

"To Zuko, who know after all those times to sniff us out, today he'd be our hero." Sokka said and lifted his cup. I lifted mine and we all shouted "cheers" while everyone else said "here, here!" Whatever the heck that means.

"I'm touched. I don't deserve this." Zuko said.

"Yeah, no kidding." Katara said as she stood up and walked off.

"What's with her?" Sokka asked.

"I wish I knew," Zuko asked.

"I do," everyone's head turned towards me. "Remember when I was always the one to run off? She didn't exactly appreciate it by the fact that I left you guys all the time. She thought I betrayed you all."

"Yeah, that's right." Aang said. "I remember that." Zuko walked off towards Katara.

Katara went on a mission with Zuko for the next few days and she finally forgave Zuko and I for what we did. We were so relieved! Mostly me because the tension was killing me most of the time.

"Do you guys know what I need?" I asked. "A vacation."

"You don't even do anything around here," Katara said. I rolled my eyes.

"So? I can't ever relax much when Azula pitches in throws a fit. Or missions. Or getting up. Sometimes I just want to relax." I said.

"I agree," says Suki. "I think we all do."

"We can go to Ember Island," Zuko said and I gasped, literally jumping up to my feet.

"Yes! I miss that place so much!" I said. Everyone humbly agreed and we set off towards the place.

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