New And Old Friends

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Sophia paced around Yonah's desk. After the unfortunate encounter with the meddlesome prince, Yonah had wandered off to get a healing potion. That was fine, while she waited she admired all the little things on the desk, and the books in languages that she had only begun to learn to read, but that someday she would be fluent in.

"Yonah?" came a voice. "Hey Yonah, you there?"

It was a man's voice, and it was near. Sophia froze and looked around. The mirror, the small mirror on Yonah's desk! She ran to it, and saw in it the face of what could only be another wizard.

The man had a red and black mustache, kind green eyes, a big floppy wizard's hat, and beautiful yellow and blue wizard's robes, which were accented with silver and black. His hands were behind his back and he was looking around expectantly, until he saw Sophia, and he startled, but recovered fast.

"Sayyyyyyy! You're not Yonah!" said the man, smiling with suspicion, "Who are you?"

"I'm, I'm Princess Sophia of the Kingdom of Orr!" she declared without thinking. Then a terrible thought struck her, what if this man in the mirror was an evil wizard. Yonah was evil, so other wizards he knew were probably evil too! A continent to the west had an entire Society of Wizards who were always up to some evil.

"A princess..." then the man grinned like an idiot, "WAIT A PRINCESS? No shit!"

His face turned away and he shouted at someone out of view, "SHOSH! HEY SHOSH! YONAH WENT AND KIDNAPPED A PRINCESS!"



A moment later a woman, also wearing a wizard's hat appeared next to Mica and gasped. "oh dear gods that's a princess alright!" Except for her ruby red lipstick, she had no makeup on, but she had numerous facial piercings. She had wild brown hair and large oval spectacles that made her green-brown eyes appear buggy.

Sophia fidgeted with her gown, she wasn't some spectacle to be gawked at by whoever these people were. She wished she wasn't in a blood spattered nightgown. She wished that Yonah was here.

"And who," said Sophia, as sweet as she could, "are you?"

"Oh how terribly rude of us!" said Mica, still smiling, "I'm Mica, Mica Cohen! And this is Shoshana Jaffe, we're friends of Yonah and we were hoping to talk to him,"

Sophia was stunned "Yonah has friends!?"

Mica and Shoshana burst out laughing.

"Yes dear girl, he has friends," said Shoshana, "you can't stay sane in a prison without them."

"I've been here for two months! How have I not heard of you?" Sophia was planning to chew Yonah out about this when he felt better. What else was he hiding. Probably a lot, wizards liked their secrets... But why would he hide friends from her! How many more friends did he have?

"You mean you're serious. Yonah hasn't mentioned us?" Shoshana looked genuinely hurt.

"No! until now I thought he was a sad lonely man!"

The wizards laughed again.

"Well he's not sad" said Shoshana, "angry more like, but not anymore than your average firewitch."

"Nor is he really a man, kinda, half a man," said Mica, thoughtfully.

"Lonely, well now, we wish we could visit more often, he is kinda stuck in one place."

/Yeah, you can thank my dad for that/ thought Sophia. But thought it was better not to mention Yonah's semi-house arrest sentence was handed down by her father.

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