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Flashback - 1998 - San Francisco 

After Brooke had run away from Lily, a lady took her back to the foster home but soon adopted her. 

"Brooklyn," Brooke's foster mom walked into her room, "They're ready for you," She said with a smile, "Have a wonderful time."

Brooke smiled and pulled her suitcase and bag downstairs with her. She walked to a woman with blonde hair, she looked up, "Hi Ingrid," She said with a smile.

"Hello, sweetie," Ingrid said and took the suitcase, "Let's get you to your new home," She said and they both left the foster home.

"Where's home?" Brooke asked.

"Minnesota," Ingrid said and drove away from the foster home.

End of Flashback.

"Prince Charming, finally I'm seeing you clearly," Mary Margaret said and Brooke looked at her parents slightly from Emma's office.

"And what do you see?" David asked her.

"A fraud, a shepherd who has no business being royalty," Mary Margaret said.

"Well, I see a spoiled little princess who ran away from her troubles, who always runs away!" David said.

"I can't believe I had a child with you," Mary Margaret said.

"Oh, who knows? Maybe you didn't, could be Whale's," David said.

Brooke turned to Emma, "Jeez... Intense," She said.

"Our parents... That's not who they are," Emma said and handed Neal to Brooke.

Brooke smiled at Neal and rocked him gently.

"They're their worst shelves, it's like when Anna put me in that urn. She didn't mean what she said either... I hope," Elsa said.

Anna walked into Emma's office, "I didn't, that doesn't make any of this less horrible," Anna said and she hugged Elsa.

"It's okay, you're immune, we all are and we are together," Elsa said.

"It's gonna be alright, remember, we're the saviour," Emma said.

"Is that like, a real job here?" Anna asked.

"If it paid us, we'd never complain," Brooke said.

"We promised all these people we'd get them their happy endings and we will. I'm just not sure how at this moment," Emma said.

"I think I might have an idea, do you know how the Snow Queen got the idea for the curse? It's from a legend called the Trolden Glass," Anna told them.

"Never heard of it," Emma said.

"Its origin isn't important, what matters is how they broke the curse," Anna said.

"What was done?" Elsa asked her sister.

"Uh, to break the spell..." Anna said remembering the legend, "Oh, they had to kill the King... So, in this case, that would mean Ingrid," Anna said.

"I don't believe killing is ever the answer, are you sure we can't reason with her?" Elsa asked and looked at Brooke, "She adopted you, she might listen to you."

"She might... But..." Brooke said and looked at Emma.

"She's beyond that, we all want another way, but if it comes down to her or the town, I'm gonna do what has to be done," Emma said.

"But..." Elsa said.

"We're out of options," Brooke said, "If I'm able to reason with her, I will try but... She gone too far," Brooke said and looked at Anna, "Anna, how are you with kids?" 

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