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Killian made his way to the mayor's office where Henry was sat, Killian knocked on the door.

"Henry," Killian said, "I know you're in there, I need you to come with me now."

"There's no way I'm going anywhere with a dirty pirate," Henry said.

"Dirty? I bathe quite frequently, thank you very much," Killian said, offended.

"I never like you and I like you even less now you're spending so much time with Aunt B," Henry grumbled.

"Is that so... Missing her attention?" Killian asked him.

"Like I care," Henry said, "Go!"

Killian sighed and stood up, "Alright then," He stepped back from the door and poured a potion on the door, "I'm coming in!" He called out and opened the door, he walked in but slipped over on marbles then Henry took off running out of the mayor's office, "Henry!" He yelled and got back up, "I'm just trying to do what's best for you!" He yelled and was about to run after him but Will walked in.

Will looked at Killian, "Oh, it bloodly well is the time! Now, let's see how hard you are without your girlfriend 'round to protect ya," Will said and went to punch Killian who just pushed him to the wall, knocking him out.

"Seriously?" Killian looked at him before going after Henry, "Henry!" He yelled.

Meanwhile, Emma Brooke and Elsa were walking into the ice cave where they saw Ingrid's mirror and they looked at as Ingrid watched them from a far.


Brooke was sat in the dining room doing homework as she waited for Ingrid and Emma to return home. They went to the cinema as Brooke was at a high school study group for the evening.

Ingrid walked in alone and Brooke turned to him, "Hi," Brooke said with a smile.

"How..." Ingrid's voice wavered a little as she walked to Brooke, "How was study group?" She asked.

"It was okay, we through the assignment together but we were down a person so I doubt we'll get full marks, as we missed a bit off," Brooke explained.

"How come you were down a person?" Ingrid asked and sat at the head on the dining table.

"Weren't well," Brooke said.

"I'm sorry, sweetie," Ingrid said.

"What are you sorry about?" Brooke looked at her confused and saw Ingrid holding a purple stone, "What's that?"

Ingrid poured a potion she had stored on the purple stone and Brooke's memories were taken from her. Brooke felt dizzy and past out. 

Ingrid let a tear fall and looked at a social worker, "She's ready," Ingrid said and the social worker carried Brooke out of the home. Ingrid covered her mouth to silence her cries.

End of Flashback.

In the ice cave, Ingrid came out from where she was hiding, "You three have no idea how long I've waited for this moment," Ingrid said and the three looked at her as she noticed their ribbons gone, "Your ribbons... What have you done?" She asked.

"I'm not much for accessories," Emma said.

"Those ribbons joined us together," Ingrid said.

"Get it through your head, lady. We're not your sister and we're never gonna love you," Emma said.

"Oh, Emma, I know that you actually that and," Ingrid said and sat down on her ice sofa looking at her, "It makes me sad, but I know that sadness won't last because soon, you'll see you're wrong," Ingrid said as she reached for something.

Storybrooke Is Frozen [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #4 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now