(Monday (final )part 3):

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Ash walked threw the halls he told Lille just to wait saw all his friends and lead them to where they where all sitting ash sat where he normal sits just for once there where people there.

Pikachu sat on ash's shoulder as Ash nodded "PIKA PIKA PIKA PI PIKA PIKA PIKA PI PIKA PIKA PI PIKA PIKA PIKA PI PIKA PIKA PIKA PI!!!!!!" Shouted Pikachu nodding at Bulbasaur "Bulbasaur Bulbasaur Bulbasaur Bulbasaur!" Yelled Bulbasaur sending out a small sweet sense waking rowlet up "PI PI PI!" Commanded Pikachu which rowlet nodded throwing darts at 500 bells which weren't that load causing the Pokémon one by one to come into the dining room and onto the Pokémon table things at the far back "Pikachu Pikachu Pikachu Pikachu Pikachu" Commanded Pikachu to Everyone else's Pokémon as they all went there all but Pikachu who looked at ash making sure he could go "Of course how many times do I have to tell you?" Asked Ash "Pika Pi pika Pi" said Pikachu "There's not even a number" said Ash but chuckled as everyone looked at him "Not all of you people to?" Asked Ash as his face planted into one of his meals.

Everyone laughed as they all started eating it wasn't very long after and they where all done apart from Ash somehow "Why'd you guys eat so fast? It's like whenever I try an act mature you people become the opposite of it" he said chuckling as He age another bit of food and then he was done because he was full.

Ash then heard Lille let out a yawn and chuckled "you should probably go to sleep" said Ash to which she nodded and was off since she had had to crash here a lot of nights to escape her Ex boyfriend:Blue oak. She knew where the bedrooms where and basically everything.

So she went found the room that she always uses the bottom bunk and slept there it was Ash's room but hey it's a bunk bed not like anyone was gonna judge them (Btw everyone else bedsides Serena ships the books ship which is



Ash let out a yawn Pikachu jumped on his shoulder and snowy was following them she also knew she just followed them because Lille really didn't want people to know they got into Ash's Room he locked the door and climbed up to the top bunk. "Charizard can show them the way to there rooms Pikachu I'm going to sleep" said Ash.

And so the Charizard did and everyone was asleep but Serena was having a dream where everyone else's dream came true and was hit with a dart of betrayal dust.

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