Monday pt2:Acting weirdly and Sawyer x mellow

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Mellow and sawyer stood outside the the palace they where supposed to meet hearing lots of laughter Mellow gave sawyer a peck on the lips. "Giggle now" they heard as they then heard ash. But then they saw feathers come out.

Which made them accidentally fall onto the gardens which had a bunch of traps for like no reason however Ash saw them and teleported them back up. "Thanks" Sawyer said As he saw that ash's friends where laying on the floor trying to calm down over something "I just Umm how do you say murdered with feathers but then revived with feathers" said Ash as he then decided to start cooking Lille wanted to help which ash let her.

They cooked up a massive feast using ash's recipes he even managed to help her learn a few off by heart which she was thankful for. Then even relayed on her powers of ice but she was acting weirdly again which meant something was up. They had finished cooking and now they needed to set the long table of which they did but ash Gladion Hau Acerola and Lille would be seated at a different table.

Ash did do something but what you'll have to find out in part 3

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