8/3/2029. Day Three.

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[Alright, I don't have much time so this'll have to be quick. I've got less than twenty minutes so this'll have to be way quicker than last time. Last time both my parents forgot all about the time for "lights out" and they let me go over like an hour. Now they've set a notification on their phones specifically for that purpose. Maybe I'll be allowed a few minutes over but nothing more.]

So my day started out mostly the same way as yesterday: wake up, get dressed, breakfest, laundry, and chores, except today me and my group were doing the laundry.
            And it took until minutes before lunch to get it done. Oh, and by the way, I also recieved some new clothes, so, yeah.

   After lunch, we had school where we edited our reports on Yellowstone volcano then recieved a truly tortorus session of math that belongs in a horror movie. (Well, all sessions of math belong in a horror movie but that's not the point).

Then we were given time for physical activity and after that, current events. After all of that school, we were allowed a 99 - minute session of relative free - time. I spent that time mostly roaming around the gym and occassionally visiting my Dad at the electricity plant. I didn't visit my mom because I didn't want to make her job harder (she was at daycare). 

[Oh, and by the way, yes, they got the plumbing rerouted and they are now working on making sure that the water doesn't have any sort of poisons or viruses in it. The Yellowstone Eruption might have awoken something that makes the Bubonic Plague look like purified water. I expect that I'll have to do a report in class on that soon.]

After our free - time, we were ordered back to our bunks for a resting period of twenty minutes. Then, we all headed down for dinner.
      Dinner was much the same as before except the announcements were a little less.. ah.. depressing. But I did hear that soon we may be breaking into factions and starting to war with each other or at least battle each other from my Dad, which was scary. I asked him about how many people were in this bunker alone. He told me over two million, though we rarely saw each other; we were only conected by hallways and were only technically in the same bunker.
      After dinner, we had mostly the same routine though after our usual routine we were allowed to go into the VR Theater where we were allowed to pick from their extensive VR selelection. (Only on VR+ and Offline+. Really, these days new streaming companies had to come up with a new idea besides putting a plus in front of whatever brand they had. At least NBC was origanal).
        I pickedCars because it's rated G and it's one of the only movies that doesn't scare me on VR because, on a VR movie, you'll be exactly (or more) as scared as the charectors. That's why so many movies are rated R for VR that might have only been rated PG. Trust me, geting scared on a VR movie is much easier than on a movie on TV. I got scared in Planes multiple times because I have a fear of heights and that's a kid's movie.

Anyway, after that, we all went to bed and I stayed up real late reading and so here we are.

[I did go a little over; fifteen minutes, finishing this entry. Trust me -- I was rushing.]

                                                   *** Not edited for realism. ***

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