8/4/2029. Day four.

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[Alright, sorry I didn't do enough detail on the last couple of days. The reason why I'm writing this is because someday, my adventures down here might become a movie or show. Heck, if humanity survives, this diary might be studied in school to teach kids about this time in history like the diary of Anne Frank. But who am I kidding? Anyway, I've got an hour or so to write so let's start.]

I woke up early in the morning today because.. well, I don't really know. I guess my brain just wanted me to wake up early which is weird because I like to get up at eight or nine. Seriously, I'm not a morning person; I don't wake up at dawn just because I can. Usually, anyway.
     So I just.. sat in my bed, waiting for sleep to overtake me.
      It didn't. I just lied in bed until I thought that I would just die of boredom.
     Then Jake woke up and decided to start screaming his head off which practically gave me a migraine. I mean, he's cute and all but God can he cry.

[Alright, I'm exaggerating on that part about the migraine. It only almost gave me a headache, not a migraine but can I not take some liberties here?]

     Anyway, right then Dad woke up, took the baby, still screaming, and carted him off to some private place where he changed his diaper.

[Why would I be in God's most holy name talking about Dad changing his own diaper. That's disgusting!]

   Anyway, I'm not going to bore you to death with some more.. more exact details. So, then, I decided to read a book that was in the room and soon we were eating Breakfast.
        At breakfest we talked for a long time until we were told that breakfest would be over in a few minutes. At that time, me and my family quickly finished our food and hastily cleaned up then went over to the laundry room and dumped our clothes in the "dirty" bucket. Then, I went to do the my job/chore of watching the surface of the Earth for any signs of habitability.

The were none. The Earth looked worse than Venus or, heck, Mars for that matter. I wondered if that was what we were going to become: another barrren, lifeless plant. Some place that future aliens would see up in the skies. Colonize. Maybe even terraform.
         Conditions were right, The aliens would probably think, So why is this planet a barren wasteland -- completely devoid of life or even a sign that it had ever existed at all?
         The experience was so depressing and frigteing that I immeadiately sent a prayer up to God.
         God, I prayed, Please lord don't let this be the end of the Earth and Humanity as we know it. Please, lord, please don't let this be the end...!
            Okay, I'll stop being dramatic and I'll actaully describe it for you. Practically everything was ash - black. A few fires still smoldered here and there but mostly it looked dark, barren, and lifeless.

I think that I might have asked something about if teenagers had been allowed to do this job prior to me and they told me no.

After I had done my job, I went to lunch and I started to talk to my family about what I had seen and they were visibily shocked (except for Jake; he just kept on.. being a baby).

After that, I had school which was English first; we went down to the library and picked up books and read them; Gym was, well, Gym; I did swimming and climbing. Last was Current Events where we learned about the current attempts to get Yellowstone Volcano under control. They were going poorly. Really poorly.
           But at least the terraforming operation had been ramped up and it had recently been released that the president was currently on the Moon colony, waiting for this all to cool down. Litterally cool down, by the way.

After school, I went straight to the library because I had questions. About how the government had managed to hide such a bunker like this from us for all this time. The reason why went to the library was because I thought that I might be able to ask the librarian my questions.

I was terribly mistaken.
          For all my questions I got a very cryptic response from the librarian. Can you guess what all of the responses bassically were? No?
         "It's classified." Was what the answer I always got. Yeah.
         But I guess that that explains it all. Somewhat. All classified.
         But that's my theory how they hid it. It was expertly classified. Maybe they had some kind of code for the workers. Maybe the workers didn't even know what they were working on it. Maybe they did it with robots. I don't know. As for why they hid it.. well, people who might occasionally loot the place or stuff like that. But the real thing was that, if any of our enemies might want to cause doomsday for us they could easily stop us -- very easily by blowing up all of our bunkers. Then they would move in and cause doomsday, whether it would be by the current means or nuclear war or other means that would devastate us more than them.
           But I don't think that explains everything. For example, when did they build the bunker (my guess is during the cold war and then slowly upgrading it through the years)? But I didn't ask those questions because just at that time, the librarian recieved a video call. (Convienently, of course).

I think that I would've wanted to get more answers but I was tired so I took a nap.

I was roused right before dinner by father and essentially dragged off. I ate dinner (which was very tasty, in fact) and then did the routine that you would expect me to do before bed. 
[By that I mean the normal bunker routine.]

And so here I am now, sitting here and writing in my diary. Yeah. I'm going to classify this entry as done now, by the way.

                                                                     . ** Not edited for realism. ** .

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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