Chapter 1

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Nathaniel watched as Chloe laughed at Marinette. For not being able to speak to Adrian. "Haha, you are no one Marinette Dupan-Chang, Adrian will never love a clutz or jabber mouth like you." 'Chloe, why are you so mean?' Nathaniel thought shaking his head.

Nathaniel was the next target. "Ha, and tomato head, the one who always draws." 'Here it comes.' "Why just why," Nathaniel just walked away saying: "I don't care what you think so lay off."

Chloe stormed after him. "HEY! Come back here!" Nathaniel didn't stop and Chloe then ran after him. They had gotten to the other end of the school. Nathaniel suddenly turned around causing Chloe to stop abruptly nose to nose with Nathaniel.

"I brought you over here so we could talk in privet."


"Why, are you like this? Why do you do the things you do?"


"Is it because this is who you are? Or is it the people in your life?"

"I-I-I-I-I don't know," Chloe said as she looked away in embarrassment. "Come back and talk to me when you have your answer." Nathaniel said putting his hand on her shoulder then walking away. 

After school that day Chloe found Nathaniel in the park sketching. She sat down next to him and said: "I guess its the people in my life." Nathaniel didn't turn away form the sketchbook. "Guess I need someone in my life other then Sabrina, Adrian, and my parents."

"I'm willing to give you a second chance on one condition."


"That was ment to be sarcastic. Right?"

"Yeah, it was. What im trying to say is that yes Sabrina is trying to do the best she can. Same with my dad and Adrian but my mother. I've never really been around her that much and now that she's back. I just want to be with her more then ever. But why would you give me a second chance?"

"Chloe every one deserves a second chance even you." 


"Yeah, besides I can be a friend if you want mabye even the one to turn you around."

 "Thank you Nathaniel that means a lot. See you tomorrow at school." Chloe said getting up and going back home. 'I sure hope I can change that girl.'  Nathaniel thought as a crisp Fall breeze blew right past him.

"Wait, I didn't say my condition! I'll tell her tomarrow." Nathaniel said to himself as he got up and went home. The next day Chloe seemed nicer and people were questioning. "Hey, Nathaniel do you know why Chloes' like this?"

Marinette said as they went to the class. "I don't know" Nathaniel said as they got into class. They had new seating arrangements in the class room as well. Nathaniel was to sit next to Chloe. "Well looks like were sitting next to eatch other." Nataniel said as he sat down

"Yep, we are. By the way what was your condition for you to be my friend?"

"Oh, your already fulfilling it"

"I am?"

"Yep, It was for you to be nice."

They stoped talking because class was starting. 'Whats this felling? Is it hope? Or is it something else?' Nathaniel thought as he listened to th techer. After class Chloe didn't do anything mean. She also didn't call Adrian, Adrikins.

"Why aren't you calling Adrian, Adrikins?"

"It's just gotten old I guess."

"Gotten old. How?"

"I don't know it just has."

The bell rang and they had to get to there next class. By the time school was done everyone was wierded out. Because Chloe was being nice. "Hey, Nathaniel wanna come to my place?"

"Umm, I guess."

"Great, come." Chloe said draging Nataniel by the wrist. "Woh, wait were going to the hotel?"


"Umm, ok"

"Whats the matter?" 

"Oh, nothing"

"Ok, so why are you blushing?"


"Yeah your blushing" 

"Oh, sorry I'm just not used to a girl draging mr by the wrist." And with that Chloe let go of Nathaniels, wrist and her cheeks turned crimson red. "I'm SO sorry!"

"It's ok Chloe. Let's just go." Nathaniel said as they got into the car and headed to the hotel. 

"So, random question."


"What, happend to make you like this."

"What do you, oh, that."

"Sorry I'm asking to much."

"It's ok, but I'm not ready to talk about it."

"It's ok. Oh, bye the way Its Holloween in a few weeks."

Chloe got nervous at the sound of Holloween. She started to get fidgety and moved around more. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"What's the mater? Do you not like Halloween?"

"My family always throughs a Halloween party. But I never join because I'm scared."


"What I mean by that is that I scare easily."

"I can help you with that so by the time that party rolls around you aren't. Scared at the party. When's the party?"

"Two, week's."

"Thats enough time." By that time they got to hotel. They went to Chloes' room got to work with the scaredy-cat issue. "Ok, so what's the limit for you being scared?"

"I'm fine up to jump scares."

"Ok, so what about scary decorations?"

"Fine, until the entire place is filled with it then no, just no."

"Ok, so now I know your limits so right now we will work on jump scares."

"Well, what I mean by that is. Boo."


"Oh, dear we have work to do. It's a costume party right?"

"Y-yeah." Chloe said shakeing her head. "Ok, what type of costume party? Who's invited? Is it important people? Or is the entire town?"

 "Normal costume party, usually the important people."

"Will you ever make it public?"

"Dad wants to but mom absolutely refuses to let anyone in except for the people like the Agestes'. She says and I quote: "I will not go to the party if you make it public in fact I'll go back to NYC."

"Ouch, does he always listen to her?"

"Yep," Chloe was about to cry at that point. "Oh, umm I'm sorry we'll stop talking about it."

"O-ok," Chloe stammered to get out as she leaned on his shoulder. Nathaiel immediately blush and tryed to hid it.  

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