The Demigods Arrive

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Annabeth's POV

It's been awhile since I visited Olympus. But what really disturbed me was Leo, ranting about how this could not have been built by me. From the look on his face, I could tell that he was just saying that to piss me off but sadly, it worked. I calmly walked up to him, then I unsheathed my knife and stuck it up to his throat. With anger looming in my voice, I said flatly, "If I hear another word from you about Olympus-" "Understood, my Lady," Leo said mockingly.

We stepped into the throne room and proceeded to the game room with the gods for the game.

Aphrodite: Ok! So now, you demigods are going to sit in a circle and play, starting with...

None of us knew why she hesitated until Ares said, "I think she is waiting for a drumroll or something." We all did as we were told when we saw the approving nod coming from Aphrodite. I saw Artemis whisper something into Apollo's ear, and from reading her lips I think it was 'I always thought Father was the dramatic one', or it could be 'I always thought Piper was the dark black eyes one'.

Aphrodite: Starting with Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano!
RARA: Wait what?
NDA: You heard her.
RARA: Drink if... you... er... Yes! Drink if you have a crush but you are not together with that person.
Nico and Reyna were the only ones who drank. "Who?" We all asked simultaneously. Nico gave us his famous death glare while Reyna gave her I'll-kill-you-but-you're-not-worth-my-time glare.
TG: It's my turn isn't it? Well... Drink if you would choose dare over truth...
Nico, and Reyna were-once again-the only ones who drank.
TG: And if you drink-I mean drank-you have to answer my question.
NDA, RARA: Nooooo...
TG: Too bad! The question is who do you like.
NDA, RARA: Errr... I hate you Pinecone Face!
TG: Too bad Corpse Breath and Ragdoll!
JG: Wait a minute. Who is Ragdoll?
All but NDA, JG, and RARA: Reyna!
LV: Ow... My beautiful youthful ears! How could you!
RARA: As if anyone would care.
LV: * Puts his hand over where he's heart is * Ow. That hurt Rey-Rey.
RARA: As if I would care.
LV: You are evil! * Pouting like a baby *
NDA: Ok. Next is your turn, Repair Boy.
JG: Not so fast. Did you think we would forget about what you and Reyna need to tell us?
NDA, RARA: Jason Grace!
PJ: Come on! Just tell us already!
NDA: * mumbles under his breath * Reyna
RARA: * mumbles under her breath * Nico
PJ, JG: Whaaat? We can't hear from here!
Aphrodite: Eeee! Reynico! Reynico! Reynico!
At that precise second of the first time Aphrodite said Reynico, Bellona flashed in with anger raging in her eyes so bad that the flames in her eyes could have burned down the whole of Manhattan. Hades was so mad that his helm of darkness-which wasn't even on his oily scalp-radiated fear and anger even worse than in the first Titan war.
Hermes: Erm... Kids! Run to my palace now!
Athena: Yes. It is the closest.
Poseidon: Just get out of here before- Uh oh.
Athena: Just get out of here before they get into a full-fledged war!
It was rare that Mother agreed with Poseidon on anything, so I decided to listen. It appears the rest had they same thought as they ran with me.
Time lapse to after they reach Hermes's palace

PJ: That was a close call.
LV: Remind me the last time the agreed on something.
RARA: I think it was the chariot.
NDA: Now how did you know about that?
RARA: I have my reasons.
AC: Hey. Shall we continue our game?
NDA: I'll shadow travel to the kitchen.
RARA: I'll help! I'm used to shadow traveling anyways!
TG: Wait, how are you used to shadow traveling?
HL: Oh. The two of them and Coach Hedge transported the Athena Parthenos halfway across the world.
NDA: Yea. I think I may just take soda. I'm still not comfortable with the thought of Hazel drinking alcohol.
HL: Hey! I am not a three-year-old!
RARA: But you're 14.
HL: * fake sobbing * Reeeeynaaaaaa! I thought you were my friend!!!
FZ: It's alright Hazel. Everyone has to suffer too.
NDA: Let's just go, Ra-Ra!
RARA: I still hate it when you call me that, Neeks.
And with that, they shadow traveled to the kitchen.

And I am done with this chapter!

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