Chapter twenty-two :)

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Chapter twenty- two

Tears ran down my face.

"SERIOUSLY!!??" I yelled at him. Thomas snapped his head towards me and pushed Isabella's lips off of his.

"I can explain" he walked towards me and tried to touch my shoulder.

"No Thomas! No, just stop! Leave me alone!" I yelled at him and slapped his hand away.

Tears started forming in his dark chocolate eyes and his face had hurt and guiltiness across it.

I sniffled and ran back inside with Ava. Thomas was yelling my name and chasing me inside.

"Dyl can you take me home?" I stumbled across Dylan who stood awkwardly against a wall.

"Sure Nat, but what's wrong?" He pulled me into a hug.

"I will tell you later, can we just go?" Dylan nodded and we walked out to his car.

I got into the passenger seat and sat there patiently. Then Thomas came, he started banging on my window telling me to let him in. I ignored him and then Dylan and I drove away.

I sat in the car, tears streaming down my face. I can't take it.

We arrived at my house and I stumbled out of the car. I made my way to the front door and unlocked it. I ran upstairs and jumped into my bed. I couldn't breath, my sobs got caught in my throat. Tears continued coming out of my blood shot red eyes.

I heard foot steps and then I felt a hand on my back. I looked up and Dylan was sitting there in my room with Kaya, Ava, Will and Ki.

"Ava told me what happened... I'm so sorry Nat, it's not like him. He would never try and hurt you" Kaya let out an tackled me into a hug.

I cried harder on her shoulder.

"He really loves you Nat" Ki hong walked over to me and joined the hug.

"He does and so do we!" Will joined into our group hug then Ava and Dyl.

"Thanks guys, I love you too but I guess tom just doesn't feel the same way about me" I said with my emotion what so ever.

I whipped my eyes with the back of my hand and stood up from everyone's grip. "Nat he really does, I just don't know what's going on in that messed up brain of his. And were gonna sleep over because we are your best friends!" Kaya and Ava giggled.

"I would truly love that!" They embraced me into a hug once again.

"Well I think I'm just going to have a shower" I tried to hold in my tears once again and before they could reply I walked away and into my bathroom. I locked the door behind me and slid down the wall. I sat there with my back against the wall, my knees against my chest and my face buried deep into my hands. I sobbed quietly trying not to be heard.

'Why, why would he do that? I thought he loved me.... I thought he cared for me. I thought he cared." I screamed in my head making me cry even harder. 'I can't handle this. I just can't.' I crawled over to the bathroom drawers and pulled out a razor blade. I sat back against the wall, holding the sharp object in my hand.

I breathed in and closed my eyes. I pushed the blade onto my wrist and began to move it sideways. I couldn't feel anything. I opened my eyes and looked at my wrist. It was covered in blood. The crimson liquid dripping down from my skinny arm. My arm went numb.

I wailed and sobbed, causing Dylan, Kaya and Will to come and knock on my door to investigate if anything was wrong.

"Natalie, are you ok? What's happening in there? Open the door!" Dylan banged against the door. I didn't reply. I rested my head on my knees.

"Natalie if you don't open the door and let us in we will call the police!" Kaya threatened.

"Or we will break this door open!" Will yelled and kicked the door.

I sighed and unlocked the door. I sat back down into my original position and in seconds the door was slammed open and Will, Kaya and Dylan came running in.

"Natalie!" Kaya wrapped her arms around me and embraced me into a bear hug. She released and looked down at my wrists, that were covered in oozing red liquid. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. Tears ran down her cheeks. "Nat, why?" She looked at me with pleading eyes.

I gulped, my hands started shaking and my lips started trembling. "I just... I just can't do it." My voice cracked and I started sobbing again. Kaya pulled me into a hug once again and I sobbed into her shoulder.

"If you try anything so stupid again, I will bloody kill you!" Dylan came in and sat with the two of us on the bathroom floor.

"Actually we will all kill you!" Will chuckled and sat down. "You know that we all love you Nat! Please, promise us that you won't do this again!" Will pleased and I shakily replied with an "I promise".

"Ok well let's get you cleaned up! Boys out!" Kaya got up and helped me up. She shooed the boys out and locked the door behind them. "Ok let's get you washed off and then we will clean your cuts" Kaya smiled and tuned on the shower. I weakly smiled back and Kaya sat down on the toilet seat and faced the wall. I stripped and got into the shower.

I winced as the water touched my cuts but held in my owes. I washed myself and all my makeup off then turned off the tap. I stood out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me. "Are you ready?" Kaya asked.

"Yeah" I nodded and she got off the toilet seat and turned to me.

"Ok let's get you dressed, then we will clean your cuts" she smiled and unlocked the door. I followed her into my room and saw Dylan and Will sitting there on the phone. Then Dylan quickly said bye and hung up.

"Who was that?" Kaya asked and walked to my wardrobe.

"Ki Hong and Ava..." Dylan replied.

"Where are they?" I asked.

"They... They are at Thomas's house."

"Wait next door, that house?" Kaya asked.

"No, well it was going to be a surprise but his and Nat's apartment that he got" Will quickly said.

I was shocked I didn't know what to say. I just stood there speechless.

"Ok let's get you dressed, boys turn around" Kaya gave me my undergarments, my emoji sweat pants and a white singlet I nodded and quickly put on my clothes.

"Ok guys you can look, now it's fine" Kaya said and dragged me down stairs. she patted on the kitchen bench for my to sit down there, so I did as told and jumped up and sat there still. "Ok, where's your first aid kit?" She asked and looked in the cupboards.

"It's in the one near the fridge" I pointed to a small cupboard and she walked over to it and pulled out the first aid. She unzipped the bag and pulled out some disinfectant wipes and began to wipe my cuts away and the dried blood. I winced in pain but bit down on my lip. She rubbed my shoulder and then she wrapped a bandage around my wrist. "All done" she smiled and put the first aid kit away.

"Thank you Ky" I smiled.

"No problem!" She smiled back.

"No I mean for everything. For being such a good friend, well sister. For being with me and putting up with me. You and Ava have been so nice to me. Thank you!" I hugged her tightly and she hugged back tighter.

"It's ok, and I'm really happy I have met you!" She smiled and I smiled back. "Ok well let's get you to bed, or we can watch a movie" Kaya cheekily grinned.

"Either sounds fine" I shrugged.

"Movie it is" she giggled I nodded and we walked back up to my room. We walked into my room and Will was already thinking ahead of us. He had already put a movie on and Dylan and him were sitting on my bed.

I smiled and sat down next to Dylan. He pulled me into a hug and I rested my head onto his shoulder. "Nat?" He whispered. I looked up at him. "Yeah".

"I... I love you." Dylan whispered and looked me into my eyes.

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