Chapter twenty-nine :)

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Chapter twenty- nine

3 weeks later

The soft wedding music played as Ava, Sophie (Kaya's friend) and I walked down the aisle. We reached the the steps and stood there gracefully watching Kaya walk down the aisle with her father. She looked beautiful, she wore a white gown that reached to the floor. Sparkly Lace wrapped around the sides of the dress. Tears streamed down my face as I watched Kaya make her way up to Will.

She reached Will and took his hand in hers.


"You may kiss the bride." And with that Kaya and Will kissed each other like it was the end of the world.

(At the reception)
"Congrats Ky!" I ran and hugged her.

"Thanks babe, I really love dogs!" Kaya giggled like a maniac

"What? Are you drunk? How much did you drink?" I pulled her from the dance floor and dragged her into the bathroom.

"Well... I only had a teeny weeny bit!" She made an "o" shape with her mouth.

"Argh , Kaya!" I laughed at her and made her sit up on the bathroom bench.

I got out my phone and quickly rang Ava.


"Hey, Kaya's drunk, we are in the bathroom. I need you to get her little makeup bag, breath mints and preferably a hairbrush".

"Oh Kaya! Ok I will be there in a few." Ava giggled on the other need of the line. Then hanged up.


"I'm here." Ava came running in with wipes, makeup and a bottle of water. She sat them on the bench and quickly we got to work.

We redid her makeup and hair.


"Thank you girlies I won't know what I have not without you!" Kaya pulled us into a hug, before walking out of the bathroom.

"What did she say?" Kaya asked.

"I have no clue!" Ava and I started cracking up laughing.

"Let's get out of here, it smells like Kaya's vomit." Ava pinched her noes and we walked out.


Ava and I sat at a table watching Kaya and Will slow dance. I watched in awe.

"Care to dance?" Thomas came up to me and held out his hand to me.

"I would love to." I smiled and took his hand.

Thomas took me to the dance floor and Will winked at us and did the thumbs up to Tom. I giggled and snaked my arms around his neck. He put his arms around my waist and we danced in sync.

Ki Hong and Ava then came down on the dance floor and slowed danced together too.

I looked into Thomas's eyes and smiled.

"You know, that's going to be us soon." He pointed to Kaya and Will. "Although hopefully your not drunk and won't pass out for 25 minutes." He chuckled causing me to giggle.

"Don't worry I won't. I was wondering if we could have our wedding at a church?" I asked and smiled.

"That would be beautiful! as long as I can come!" He joked.

"Well if your not there then I may as well die. Or marry Ki Hong. Your choice." I raised my eyebrows.

"Don't worry I will be there. I will be up there with you. I will be the one your marrying actually." He smirked and I smiled. "Do you know that I love your smile." He admitted. I blushed and shook my head. "Well now you know." He leaned in closer and kissed my lips. I kissed back and it felt like no one else existed except for Tom and I.

I slowly pulled away and looked into his eyes. "I love you tommy. I love you more than anything in the world!"

"I love you too Nat. When you didn't talk to me and when you were angry with me I couldn't take it. I can't live without you. If you really broke up with me... Then I would've killed my self. I don't know what I would do without you. I need you to be mine. I want you to be mine. I hate having to imagine you with someone else." His voice broke and his eyes stared getting teary.

"Hey, hey. You have me. And I'm not leaving. I never will, do you know why? It's because I love you and I can't live without you either." Our lips met once again. I could taste his salty tears and mine.

I smiled once we pulled away and I snuggled my head into his chest. We danced for a while.

"Tom look." I pointed to Ava and Ki.

Then Dylan came running over and pushed Ava away. He grabbed Ki and they started slow dancing. Dylan sat his head on Ki Hong's shoulder and held his arms around him. Ki wrapped his arms around Dylan's torso and they danced.

Dylan spotted us looking at him and he smiled. I put my thumbs up and he smiled even wider.

"So, now do you believe me?" I asked and looked up at Thomas who was trying not to burst out laughing.

"Yes! Yes I believe you! Something is really going on between them 2!" He laughed and so did I.


This story sucks!!!!!!!!!

Q: Who is your fav actor or actress?


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