Watched Over

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Quinton shoved the front door open, clutching the groceries close to his chest. He used his foot to slam the door behind him as he entered the house. He yelled upstairs to his step-sister that he was home as he passed the stairs and into the kitchen. He walked into the kitchen and put down the groceries. He knew that he was supposed to be watching over his little step-sister along with her friend while his parents were away, but he was hungry for a snack. Unfortunately within the time he was gone, Jocelyn and Rayna discovered a device that they immediately regretted using the second it charged up.

They were fighting over who was going to use it at the top of the stairs, only to accidentally press the trigger button. The result within the fight caused both the step-sister and her friend to be shrunk and turned into tiny miniature toys. Smaller than any other barbie doll they have ever played with, they both fell down the stairs and ended up on the ground at the bottom of the stairs. They were too tiny for Quinton to even notice them as he entered the house. The worst part was that they were unable to speak out loud.

The two friends couldn't communicate with each other. They couldn't move. All they could do was internally freak out. It was terrifying for Jocelyn, watching her one hundred foot step-brother enter the house without seeing her and her friend on the ground. She wished that he was there earlier to have helped them, but now he was completely unaware of the situation. Rayna on the other hand was happy to see such a giant figure of her friend's older brother. Rayna had always had a crush on Quinton ever since she met him.

She knew that she was much younger, but she couldn't help her little crush on him. Quinton rummaged through the brown paper bags and pulled out his Rocky Road ice cream. A little smile spread across his lips as he opened it up. The sweet smell of ice cream was his favorite. He turned around and got a metal spoon out of the silverware drawer and made his way into the living room. Jocelyn definitely felt the thundering footsteps of Quinton as he approached their area on the way to the living room.

Jocelyn gasped to herself as she saw his two gigantic white sneakers come to a halt. They turned toward her and she started to get excited. Her heart dropped as she saw his sneakers stepping toward them. She couldn't close her eyes to pretend that everything was okay, but Quinton fortunately didn't step on her. He just stepped inches away from her. She swung her eyes up and saw him grasping the tub of ice cream with one hand and the other one on the stairs railway.

"I bought you guys some ice cream if you guys want some!" Quinton screamed up the stairs, causing both Jocelyn's and Rayna's eardrums to rattle uncomfortably. "Jocelyn, I even bought your favorite, mint ice cream!"

Even Jocelyn knew that at the moment she should have been speeding down the stairs, cheering in glee with her friend. Quinton stood there for a bit, awaiting them to come down, but just shrugged it off as he saw that they were interested. He turned and walked back to the living room, leaving Jocelyn and Rayna still feeling completely hopeless. It was impossible for him to even know that they were there. Quinton walked over to the couch and plopped down and kicked his feet up on the coffee table in front of the television.

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