Chapter 1: The Boy in the Iceberg

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I should specify that Y/N is 14 at the start and will be 15 near the end.

"Wake up Y/N!" I hear from a familiar female voice. "It's time to go fishing!" Said the voice belonging to my close friend Katara.

"Fine," I say in a monotone voice. "I'll get dressed and be in the boat in five minutes."


"Hey Sokka, there's a fish down there!" I point out.

"Good spot," Sokka says as he readies his spear.

"Hey Y/N, Sokka! Look, I've got one!" Katara says with excitement. I turn around and see one floating in the air, supported by her water bending.

"Nice one Kat-" I say before being cut off by Sokka's spear breaking the bubble of water, soaking me and him."

"Why is it, every time that you play with magic water, I get wet," Sokka says, clearly annoyed.

"Hey, I'm wetter than you, but you don't see me crying about it," I respond.

"Whatever, if I had weird powers, I wouldn't use them." Sokka said.

"I dunno, being able to bend water would be pretty cool." I reply. Sokka looks behind at me before we quickly hit a stray piece of ice, sending us off course.

After unsucsessfuly navigating the ice, we all fall onto a large piece of ice, with our canoe wrecked in the process.

"Well done master sailor." Katara says with a large sarcastic undertone.

"Well mabye you could've Waterbended us out of there." Sokka says.

"So you're saying this is my fault?" Katara said combletely annoyed.

Oh god I know where this is going

"I knew I should've left you home, leave it to a girl to screw things up."

Katara was mad.

"You are the most sexist, immature, nut-brained, I-I'm embarassed to be related to you." Katara said, flailing her arms angrily to get her point across. But, Sokka was looking at something else, Wait what is he looking a- wait is that iceberg breaking.

"Ever since Mom died I've been doing all the work across camp while you've been playing Soldier!" She said getting louder and louder.

"K-Katara" Sokka said scared.

"I even wash your clothes, have you ever smelled your dirty socks? I'll tell you, not pleasant!" Katara practically screamed.

"Katara! Settle down!" Sokka yelled.

"No! From now on, you're on your own!" Katara screams, puting the final damage into the Iceberg. The Iceberg shattered and sent us flying, barely clinging onto our cap of ice.

"Wait, I did that?" Katara said shocked.

"Y-Yeah." I said.

Suddenly, some water infront of us started glowing. An extremely large, glowing ball of ice came from the under the sea.

"W-Wait is there someone in there?" I say as a sillhoute appears in the ice. It appeared there was a boy in the ice.

Is that a flying bison too?

Quickly after I say this, The boy's eyes started glowing, and so did the arrow on his he- wait a minute, arrow on his head, flying bison, red and yellow clothes...

Oh my god he's an airbender.

Katara quickly starts trying to dig him out from the ice with Sokka's weapons, which eventually works.

As soon as he rises from the iceberg, he falls into Katara's arms.

"There's something i need to ask you." he says quietly

"What?" Katara says.

"Please, come closer." The Airbender says.

"What is it?" Katara says.

"Will you go penguin sledding with me?" The Airbender says.

"Uh, sure I guess." Katara says.

Just then a growl comes from within the iceberg.

I hop over with him and see him with a massive creature.

"Wait, Is that a flying bison?" I ask him.

"Yeah, it is!" He says excitedly.

"What is that thing?" Sokka says.

"This is Appa, My flying bison." The Airbender says.

"Right, and this is Katara, my flying sister." Sokka says with Sarcasm.

"Ok, So do you guys live around here?" he says.

"Don't answer that, he could be fire nation." Sokka says.

"Nah, I don't think so, Red and Yellow clothes, Flying Bison, Arrow on Body. This Kid's an Airbender." I say.

"Really?" Katara says confused. "Anyways, the Paranoid one is my brother Sokka, and this guy over here is my close friend Y/N." Katara says, pointing to us respectively.

"You haven't told us your name though." She says.

"My name's A-a-a, ACHOOOO" He sneezes and flies like 10 feet in the air. "My name's Aang."

"Well that pretty much seals the deal, he's definately an airbender." I say.

"Well, I'm going back home to where stuff makes sense." Sokka says, but then realises he has no way of getting home.


"I told you that thing couldn't fly!" Sokka says as he gets off of him.

"We'll introduce Aang to the tribe tommorow." Katara says, pointing to Aang, passed out ontop of his Bison.

"Good idea." I said.


"Why's everybody looking at me like that?" Aang said.

"Because nobody's seen an airbender in 100 Years. The whole world thought that they'd gone extinct," Gran Gran said. Since the day I arrived at the Southern Water tribe 5 Years ago, I knew her as a grandmother better than I did my own.

"Extinct?" Aang said shocked.

"Aang, this is my Grandmother." Katara said

"Call Me gran gran." Gran Gran said.

"What is this, A weapon?" Sokka said snatching the Wooden Staff from Aang's hands, "You can't stab anything with this."

"It's not for stabbing, it's for airbending." Aang said, giving off a visual demonstration of how it works.

Suddenly, I heard a noise and realised what it was straight away.

Fire Nation.

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