Chapter 2: Fire Nation Invasion

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"Uhh, guys," I say to Sokka who was behind me,  "You're not gonna like what I'm about to tell you."

"What's wrong?" He says to me.

"See for yourself," I say, pointing towards a large ship coming towards us.

"Oh god, it's fire nation!" Sokka says, "Ok men, ready the defences." 

"Wait, Sokka, Where's Aang and Katara?" I ask him.

"Oh, well I banished Aang and Katara got upset about it, I don't get it he's clearly with fire na-" Sokka says before I cut him off.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" I yell, surprised. "Why?"

"He signaled the flare that lead the fire nation here," Sokka said.

"Are you sure you aren't overreacting, I'm pretty sure Aang wouldn't do that on purpose at least," I say, clearly skeptical.

"Whatever, he's banished now, so focus on the task at hand." Sokka says back.

"Right." I say, grabbing a spear from the Barracks.

If things go south here I might have to- No I can't, it's far too risky, I can't let the tribe know who I really am.

Then, The ship crashed through the front of the village, and the fire navy troops started getting off from the front. Then I see one person get off first.


Oh wow there's no way I'm getting out of this is there.

All of the men disboard and guard Zuko.

"Where are you hiding him." Zuko says. Then he grabs Gran Gran. "He'd be about this age, Master of all Elements." He says while holding her.

Zuko POV

"Hey! Let her go!" I hear one of the people yell. I look at who yelled it, it was a boy around my age, wearing standard water tribe holding a spear. I don't know why, but I feel like I recognise him, I know I've seen his face before.

"Y/N No!" A girl said.

Then it clicked in my brain. It was Y/N. My childhood friend, My cousin.

"My My, Y/N, out of all the places I expected to see you, the south pole isn't where I expected." I say.

He Looks at me and says. "Well I had to go somewhere, You know, after your father killed my family and tried to kill me." I threw the old woman back to him.


"Wait, You know this guy Y/N?" Sokka says.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." I say, not losing eye contact with Zuko. He was my best friend, we were there for eachother for our whole childhood, but I hadn't seen him for years.

"Are you gonna tell them or shall I?" Zuko said.

I knew there was no way to avoid this now so I came clean.
"Yeah, I guess I'll tell them." I said with a deep sadness in my voice. "I've tried to keep it secret for years but, I guess you would've found out sooner or later."

"I'm from the Fire Nation." I said, Loud gasps being heard from everywhere. "I never told you guys cause, well you were the only people that would accept me, and if you hadn't, then well I don't know what I would've done."

This is it, I knew my time in the Southern Water Tribe was over, guess I'll have to leave. I heard Kyoshi island is nice, maybe I'll try my luck there.

"I hate to ruin this reunion, but I have more important buisness." Zuko says. "Where is he. I know you're hiding him." Sokka then get's up and tries to attack him, but to put is nicely, he gets owned.

Just then I spot something in the distance. It's Aang riding a penguin. He's aiming straight for Zuko. Hitting his legs, knocking him over.

Zuko stands up preparing to attack Aang. And then I was faced with a great dilema. Who do I side with?

My best friend, the Nation that I've know and loved since childhood, but was forced out of.

Or The place that had welcomed me with open arms, but now will shun me because of who I was. 

I knew the right decision.

"Aang, You need some help?" I said.

"Yeah sure!" He said. I stood up, looking Zuko in the eyes.

"I never wanted to see this day Y/N." He said. "But you don't leave me much choice, I must capture the Avatar."

The Avatar? Wait, Airbender, he's been in ice for 100 years, Of course, how did I not see it sooner, Aang's the Avatar!

"I'm sorry Zuko, but the only thing that can save the Fire Nation from Uncle Ozai is the Avatar, only he can restore peace to the world!" I say, getting in a fire bending pose. I immediately stamp to my right knocking the three men on my right over, while Aang take's the three on the left, leaving just Zuko.

I shoot Fire at him immediately, he blocks it easily though,sends fire towards me, hitting me in the head and knocking me out.


I wake up and i'm on the back of the flying bison, midair, above the sea.

"What the hell happened while I was out?" I say.

"More importantly, why did you never tell us you were a Fire Bender?" Katara says, I look away with guilt.

"Well, I traveled the world trying to find a home, I went to Omashu, Ba Sing Se, and I couldn't find a home anywhere. And, I eventually came to the South Pole, and they took me in, and well, I couldn't risk losing my home, the first one I'd had in months."

The whole group look at me with sympathy.

"Don't worry Y/N, we don't see you any differently for it." Sokka says.

I smile back but I feel bad, my secret I'd been trying to keep hidden for years, it was out there.

A/N I should point out that Y/N's parents are Ursa's siblings, not Ozai's, meaning Y/N is a decendant of Roku.

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