Violet's Past

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In her past, she had to look after her 4 little brothers when her oldest sister died, she was left to do the feeding, caring, clothing and taking them to school. There were triplet boys (Sammy, Eddie and Reggie) and one younger boy (Blue), the triplets were 3 years younger than her, and Blue was only 5 years younger. Her sister was doing the washing up for her mum after dinnertime, and her stepdad suddenly let out his rage from rowing with her mother and started hitting her with his hard fists and she ended up being burnt from the radiator that her stepdad pushed her forward to and bruises from the hitting and slowly died from bleeding and burnt by radiator, she knew she didn’t have senses so she knew she couldn’t feel herself being burnt. Violet found her dead when she took in the glasses from other room, she stood still and tears started running down her warm rose cheeks and started to grip the glasses and eventually broke the glasses, her mother heard her break the glasses as they fell down to the tile floor, she came bursting shouting “Why the fuck did you drop it huh!?” and suddenly realised she was crying and turned her head around and noticed that her sister was dead and she fell to the ground and fainted. Violet didn’t know what to do, she just stood there by herself… she was blocking out the sounds and sight and when she suddenly heard Blue crying, she instantly knew that her stepfather would beat him up so she quickly dashed to Blue and the triplets in the room and comforted him hoping that her stepfather wouldn’t come up. She was rocking with him, closing her eyes hoping that her stepdad wouldn’t come. 5 minutes passed…. 10 minutes passed… half hour passed… she suddenly realised that he wasn’t coming so when she walked out the bedroom after putting Blue to sleep, she found out that her stepdad was waiting for her to come out of the room and hit her with his fists and she ended up with black eye and few cuts on her face.

She utterly felt isolated and stayed in the room for the rest of the time with Blue and the triplets in the same room and spent her time bonding with them, she thought blurting out everything they wouldn’t understand so that’s what she did. She told everything to the kids until they grew up to a certain age where they would have understood some words so she stopped talking when they talked for the first time. 

A few months later, her mum was registered in mental health list and was moved away from home, Violet knew she was at the edge of being hurt like her sister, so she tried sneaking out with her 4 children, stayed at a shed, and caring for them as if she was a mum to them. But after a while, her stepdad have found her and bashed her badly. Violet knew that everything will not be all fine even if she kept telling herself that it will be fine. Herself with her brothers had to bear with their stepfather’s violence and orders in disgraceful way. On one frosty evening, Violet started a diary of her own and wrote everything in the book of how she felt, what she felt like doing, and all of those issues written down.

‘Dear Diary, 
This is the moment of the midnight and I could not sleep, I am in the same bedroom as my brothers because I do not trust my stepfather with them. I wonder why my mother has done everything that has led to have this like the way it is. I wonder where my real father, I bet he is all lovely, kind and caring but the thing is, I don’t know where he is and what he would be like. I don’t want to be trashed out on the streets, with no money to feed my brothers. How could I escape? Good night. Violet xx’ as Violet wrote in her diary and put it away safely in her bedsit drawer. Slowly as Violet fell asleep with her brothers already asleep. Just as soon as Violet felt comfortable sleeping, her stepfather crashed into the door and suddenly spitting all the words out to Violet, she wrapped the duvet over her brothers and herself and prayed for him to go away, it never worked.

‘You better start thinking about getting your fat hard ass out of this house and don’t forget your taking the fucking kids with you!’ as her stepfather pulled the duvet in harsh way and shouted loudly and aggressively, walking towards the door, Violet heard him say ‘they’re out tomorrow!’ while he was murmuring. Violet looked at the boys as they gave her puppy eyes and they all started to cry, she tried to calm them but she knew it wouldn’t work. So then she had to find rucksacks, bags to pack all her and the boys’ things but all there was a medium sized, brown suitcase, she knew she couldn’t pack all of her things so she packed the suitcase with the boys’ clothes and their belongings. She realised she had her own bag and dashed to get the bag and packed everything including the diary.

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