Chapter Two

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In a mild windy frosty early morning, what it seemed to be like two o clock; violet has never fell asleep as she spent all of her time thinking of how she would survive with the little boys. She turned her head to the boys and crept out of the bed very quietly, tiptoeing towards the bags and opened the door to walk down the stairs to put the bags by the front door then crept back into bed although she tried her best to sleep but didn’t fall asleep until four o clock in the morning. 

‘Violet!’ wailed Blue in his cot, Violet woke up in a sudden and worrying way and ran to Blue and picked him up and whispered, ‘what is the matter?’, all Blue said in respond was ‘I love you.’ Violet was absolutely shocked as she has never been tendered with love. She replied in loving way, ‘I love you too’ and walked him to the bathroom calling for her boys to follow her along, she put Blue down and locked the bathroom door then ran a bath for all of the boys before they left for good.

After a while, Violet dressed them up in clean clothes and gave them their breakfast in the dining room, she heard footsteps on the stairs and prayed for her and the boys’ lives but as he walked to the front door and then walked into the living room, only looking like he has just woken up in his dressing robe then opened the letter he picked up from the doormat and read the letter. Violet did not want to look at him in case he would become aggressive so she then focused onto the boys eating all their breakfast before setting off. 
As Violet got up to pick the bowls and wash them, her step dad said in a quiet voice, ‘Violet, before you set off, your mum died.’ Violet froze and stared at the wall behind the sink and she gulped hard but quietly and carried on washing as he sat down in his recliner chair and turned on the telly, having it sounded up so loud. Violet gave the boys the expression of put shoes on and they understood then walked to the hallway very quietly and sat on the stairs to put shoes on where they usually do. The triplets wanted to help Blue with his shoes but Blue wanted Violet to do the shoes so he started shouting, Violet said Blue be quiet please and dried her hands with tea towel but just when she walked to the stairs, there was a smack she heard and realised the sound she was hearing from was from her brothers and ran even faster and saw her stepfather hitting them because he was angry from their bickering to each other. 

Violet suddenly felt herself thrusting towards her brothers and protect them from her stepfather but his fist blows were too strong and she managed to have her arm snapped from the elbow to her wrist, she screamed and out of many years, she have been defended by her stepfather, she had the strength and pushed him so hard into the glass cupboard by the wall and he fell out of consciousness, all Violet had left was time, she knew she had to act fast.

With her brothers crying and screaming hysterically from what they saw between Violet and their stepfather, Violet picked up the suitcase and her bag with her diary and told her brothers to grab their coats and run so they did just in time their stepfather woke back up again and saw Reggie running and just in time he grabbed just the tip of Reggie’s back of his shoe but he missed the grab as Reggie fell over Violet heard a smack and turned back and ran back to Reggie and at that moment, her step father got up and wiping off the glass from his shoulders she grabbed him and ran while shouting ‘go, go, go!’ she had to grab Blue and pick him up to run as the other three ran along.

Few hours later, they’re still running and walking through towns when the boys have moaned that they were hungry as the day was turning to sunset, Violet did not know what to do, she continued walking a long trail of path.

The question is will she survive?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2015 ⏰

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