5: Confirm or Deny

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It's been 18 days, 7 hours, and 42 minutes since Solana and Spencer were dancing at the club, yet that's all he could think about.

He had yet to ask her if she genuinely thought he was attractive. She would say things that would make him fluster and tense up on the daily, but he was still unsure.

"Hey handsome, care to help me unpack this box."

"Dude, I see you staring. If you'd like something from me than just ask."

"Whastup. How's my sexy boy band member doing."

"I missed you, handsome."

Those were some of the most recent ones she said. Yet, Spencer still couldn't tell if her compliments were serious or not. Maybe it had to do with the fact that Solana was way out of his league. She's much more attractive than him, and she's smart, and athletic, and funny... oh god here he goes thinking about all he amazing qualities and attributes again. She wasn't at the BAU yet, but Spencer was earlier than normal, hardly anyone was present. A part of him hoped that Solana would be the first to arrive so that it would be just the two of them.

To his surprised, moments later, the same beautiful woman he was just thinking about walked right in. He smiled involuntarily, excited to see her.

"I step into the office and the first thing I see is a handsome man. This must be my lucky day." Solana said, tilting her head and smiling. She wore a pair of flared, navy dress pants, along with a gray, fitted v-neck shirt which hugged her body in all the right places. "Quit staring, dude, you're making me blush." She teased.

"Huh. Sorry I didn't m—" she interrupted him. "It's ok Spence, I'm just teasing you, handsome." Solana said and she placed her bags down on her desk.

"Right... right." Spencer whispered to himself. Suddenly he heard something hit the ground.

"Shit." Exclaimed Solana.

Her empty mug had dropped on the floor. Luckily it didn't shatter, and remained in one piece. She bent over to pick it up, her ass directly facing Spencer. He inhaled sharply, taking in the sight. Maybe his eidetic memory would allow him to remember that image forever. Suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder. He whipped around frantically.

"Reid, you're staring. I don't blame you though, but you're making it very obvious." Whispered Morgan.

"I wasn't- I promise I-." Spencer stuttered. Morgan had just caught him checking out Solana, it wouldn't be soon before he put two and two together.

"Oh hey, dude." Solana said, standing up from picking up her fallen mug. "You're so quiet I didn't hear you enter."

"I wanted to scare Reid, obviously it worked." Morgan and Solana chuckled as Spencer attempted to glare at him.

Once Morgan walked away, Spencer stood up. He swallows nervously and began fiddling with his hands. He was trying to work up the courage to ask Solana something... important. He could ask her so many things. "Are the compliments genuine?" "Do you think I'm attractive?" "Am I really handsome?" And so on and so forth. He just didn't want to embarrass himself if she was only teasing him. Of course he found her attractive, everyone found her attractive. Spencer guaranteed that even JJ and Prentiss found Solana hot. She's probably so used to rejecting needy men left and right— I mean you saw her at the bar, once she says she's uninterested, there's nothing you can do to change her mind. But, if not now, when... right? He'll only become more interested in her as time goes on. So, if she rejects him now, then he has ample time recover from the emotional wounds and move on.

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