chapter two

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{3rd person pov}


edd asked in almost a whisper.

"you.. you're still alive?"

edd asked, disbelief laced in his words and expression. tord nodded and looked down slightly

"heh.. yup. edd... i came here to apologize, for everything. and, i don't expect you to forgi-"

tord was cut off by edd engulfing him in a big hug. tord was shocked that edd was hugging him.. didn't he hate him for what he did to them? As if reading tord's thoughts, edd smiled and said

"i don't hate you, tord. i forgive you"

that short sentence brought tears to the taller boy's eyes as he wrapped his arms around edd, returning the long overdue hug. 

"who's this, edd?"

the moment between the two boys was interrupted as a curious matt had come out of his apartment 

when tord turned to look at matt, the orange haired boy gasped

"todd! you're back!"

matt exclaimed excitedly and ran over, engulfing both tord and edd in a group hug, all of them smiling, laughing, and crying

tord was overjoyed to be accepted back into his old friends' lives

now the only person left to apologize to is to-

"what... the... fuck..."

tord turned around to see a scared and angry looking tom. but, he looked different. 

he had dark bags under his eye sockets, and his hoodie covers his chest and arms but he could tell tom had gotten much thinner by looking at his cheek bones, which pointed out of his once full cheeks. he had a tear stained face, he was pale and he reeked of alcohol 

"tom! tord is back!"

edd exclaimed but tom seemed shocked, though, not like edd was, no. it was different. he looked pale and like he was going to cry.

"tom... i  came back to apolog-"

tom clenched his fist, biting the inside of his cheek to keep himself from crying.

"edd how could you forgive him!?"

tom exclaimed, completely ignoring the red hooded boy.

"he's changed, tom i know it"

tom was seething

"that's bullshit. he lied to us, betrayed us, destroyed our home, tried to kill me, ACTUALLY killed jon in cold blood!" 

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