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बिहार ही वो पावन धारा
जहां सभ्यता, संस्कृति, कला और विज्ञान भरा,
यहीं चरक और आर्यभट का जन्म हुआ,
तुलसी, रहिम, कबीर, दिनकर इत्यादि का उदय हुआ,
इसी धारा ने चन्द्रगुप्त और अशोक जैसे वीर जने,
इसी वसुधा के सपूत वाल्मिकी ने रचा रामायण,
बिहार ने देश को प्रथम राष्ट्रपति दिया,
इसी मिट्टी में माता सीता ने जन्म लिया,
दुनिया को मिथिला कला एवं लिट्टी-चोखा का सौगात दिया,
यहीं से मिली उन्नति, विकास की आशा,
यहीं से शुरू हुई तारों की भाषा,
यहीं बौद्ध और जैन धर्म की आरंभशिला,
यहीं विश्व प्रसिद्ध नालंदा और तक्षशिला।

The new update is here guys.
I hope you'll like it.

And as you can see..today I have written about Bihar(India) which is the state I was born in. Many people view Bihar as a dirty place because maybe it is not much developed or maybe because people here are not much educated or maybe because of dirty politics that politicians play here, there might be several reasons and that's why people of Bihar are also looked at with disgusted looks and are not treated well outside Bihar off course. But I am very proud of being a Bihari, I am not at all ashamed to tell people that I'm from Bihar because Bihar is a place which has made India proud many a times and not even just India but people from Bihar have done miracles in foreign as well. Not much people know about the greatness of Bihar...so here I'm today to tell you a little about our miraculous Bihar!!♥️

Stay happy and safe!!♥️

दर्पण (Darpan)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें