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Jimin was sitting down, on his phone and texting his friends. Until they mentioned someone he didn't know.


KAI (Text): Anyways, have you heard of Jeon Jeongguk?

Jimin (Text): No?
Seen 8:31pm


Jimin (text): so?
Seen 8:32pm

Kai (text): We would be so rich if we were friends with him.

Jimin (text): Wow, gold digger much?
Seen 8:32pm

Kai (text): ouch. Okay-

Jimin was curious himself so he searched him up. Jimin was amazed by how cute and attractive he was. He decided to dig into him more.

Kai (text): Hello??
Sent 8:40pm

Jimin (text): I'm sorry but I have to go. Cya tmr

He quickly shut his phone off and ran to his laptop. He searched up and learned some facts of him.

JM: "18 years a band that debuted 3 years ago?"

Jimin was surprised to see that the band is trying to find one more member. He was pretty good at dancing himself.


I searched that band up and founded the name was "BTS" it didn't seem so bad so I thought...why not?
I started running to the company and wanted to audition. There was a huge line of boys outside the company but I don't give up easily.
I waited...
and waited...
until it was my turn.
I ran in but all the judges were so tired and had enough.

Judge 1: "Sir, I think you should leave. We are done for today."

JM: "What? But you don't close til 11pm!"

Judge 2: "Sir. We are done for today. We can't seem to find the best one yet. You're probably like the others that failed."

JM: "Do you not judge me with your own eyes just because I look poor or not good enough. You can judge me when I'm done with my audition."

Judge 3: "You don't know when to quit do you?!"

Judge 1: "You know what? We're leaving."

They all turned around and was about to leave until I panicked and started singing the best I can while dancing.

After my performance, they clapped for me as I bowed.

"You're in."

Those two words made my heart beat rapidly.

Was I really in?

Was this just a dream?

I did this only so I can get to know Jeongguk but now that I'm here..I'm actually happy?

Judge: "Now tell us, why did you want to audition?"

JM: "This could possibly help me since I'm a poor adult who had to deal with the death of my parents at the age of 6."

They alł looked at each other sadly and let me in the practice room. I saw someone I wasn't expecting to be here.


JUDGE 3: "He can help you catch up with the others. But keep in mind, he can get quite shy."

With that, they left me alone with JK.

I went near him and he backed up, looking away.

JM: "Ah, you're the shy type."

He nodded with his head low.

JM: "I'm Jimin. You're Jeongguk..right?"

JK: "My name is Jeongguk but my stage name is Jungkook, I prefer JK or Jungkook."

I personally think his voice is so cute. I could hear it all day now that I'm in the band.

JM: "Ah okay, JK."

JK: "how'd you know my name?"

JM: "You're famous, how could I not know you? I am a fan too."

Jungkook smiled and he looked like a cute.

JK: "You're an ARMY?"

I nodded and his smile got bigger.



I reached my hand out for a handshake, he stared at it but shook it after a few seconds.
I just met him but I thought I could trust him. He just looked so innocent.
He gave me a smile that made me trust him even more.

JK: "Ah you seem very sweet so I bet we will get along!"

JM: "I'm sure we will too!"


I felt so warm and safe around him.. it's like nothing I've ever felt before. It's a feeling I would never want to let go.

JK: "Uh...are you going to let go of my hand..?"

JM: "Ah! Right.."

I let go and laughed awkwardly. Damn I messed up. He'll probably never like me and think I'm weird now.

JM: "Sorry.." I mumbled.

JK: "No it's okay!" He smiled brightly and we began practicing.

2 hours later

We were full of sweat. We were breathing heavily since we were out of breath after all of that practice.

JK: "You..are a...natural!"

I smiled and replied.

JM: "Thank you Jeon Jungkook.."

You're my Senpai.. please don't hurt me.

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