Chapter Twenty-Two: Ambush

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‘But we want to help ambush Lamorak!’ Aglinda complained, as Alisander dragged her along to the apartments where they had been staying.

‘That’s not a good idea,’ I said. ‘You know that Lamorak is the knight who took Alisander to Caerleon, you saw him at the siege by the loch, and you know that he’s a very bad man.’

‘I do, but that’s even more reason for us to help.’

‘You’ve got to keep Christian safe for us.’

‘But that’s Norma’s job.’

I shook my head. ‘Norma needs to come with us. She wants to see how well you can look after him.’

‘I suppose,’ said the girl. ‘Can Bellina not do it though?’

‘I cannot,’ said Bellina, who was by Alisander’s side.

‘It’s just here,’ said Gaheris. The bard opened a door into a plainly furnished chamber, and guided Christian inside. He toddled ahead of her, towards a small pile of brightly painted wooden toys.

‘Go on,’ I said, and pushed the sulky Aglinda through the door ahead of me.

‘Will you make sure they stay, Bellina?’ I whispered.

She gave me a sour look and went to the nearest chair. ‘Lock the door behind you.’

‘Let’s get back then, chum,’ said Elia. ‘I’m looking forward to this. It should be fun.’

I turned, but stopped in my tracks when I saw what was hung on the wall behind the door. A colourful tapestry. A blood red sky. A black knight bleeding from his heart. The third by a cut to his core.

‘Oh yes,’ said Aglinda, noticing that the sight of Lady Bertilak’s gift had frozen me where I stood. ‘I found it washed up on the rocks. I thought that as you didn’t want it...’

* * *

I took my hiding place in the shadows next to Agravaine, high in the gallery of lot’s great hall. The others were spread all around, lying in wait. Queen Morgawse stood in front of her husband’s map table, her face tense. Epicene was hidden behind a screen near the queen. Our hope was that the spear would guide lamorak straight to the fire-sorcerer to revenge his burns, and that Norma and I would be able to attack him from behind.

‘Ma’s always hated Lamorak,’ Agravaine whispered to me. I nodded, but in truth I now knew far more about his mother’s distaste for Sir Lamorak than he did. ‘She’ll enjoy this, if it works, and so will I. He’s often here, smashing around, causing trouble for Ma and Da. It’s time that ended.’

I scanned the room. Opposite us on the gallery were John and Elia, both armed with bows, ready to shoot Lamorak if he turned violent. Melwas and Piers were directly below us, and opposite them were Gaheris and Norma, hiding in the darkness behind the pillars.

King Lot entered the room and went to Morgawse’s side. ‘He’s through the gates, wife. He’ll be here in a moment. Don’t look at me like that, my love. I don’t like this any more than you do.’

Queen Morgawse nodded, and turned back to face the door.

Silence filled the room, and continued to fill it. The moment stretched on for much longer than the time it took to reach the hall from the gates. And then the silence was broken by a commotion outside the door.

‘You can’t go that way, Sir Lamorak,’ said a soldier’s muffled voice. ‘You know that’s not the way.’

King Lot’s hand went to his sword.

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