Chapter one

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Chapter 1
Ok, so here we go,
Ugly school uniform? Check
Ugly bookbag? Check
"Aliyah!" My mother yelled.
Mom, screaming her lungs out? Check
I'm pretty sure the whole state of New York can hear my mom's screams. Moving from California to NY has just been a wreck, all the change just gave everyone tension. Especially for me. I mean I didn't really like anyone in california. I had like two friends. Who I cut off for being toxic. But I mean I lived in California for a good two years.
"Aliyah!" My mom screamed again,"Coming!" I scream right back to her. Does she not know she could call me or something?
    Living in a house full of five siblings and two parents was not easy. With one parent being simply crazy, which you can guess is my mother,  and my father who lives in his own world and seems to have a hobby of complaining just for the sake of tradition.
   After moving from California. It's been hectic. Originally I was from NYC but had to move when I was 12. Then moved again when I was 15, Then moved again, now that I'm 18. I've been in small public schools my whole life. But this year my parents decided to finish off my senior year, I should go to a prestigious private school. One of my dad's friends was able to hook my dad up with me and my sister. But the only issue was tuition. But the school had an assessment test. If I got a good grade I would be qualified for a scholarship. Now of course hearing private school I hated the thought of it. But my parents threatened me by sending me back home to live with my grandparents. Now it's not that I don't like them. It's just that they have no internet, wifi, are still in the medieval century and just plain crazy.
Goodness you would think that they would love their child not to blackmail them.
And me being the brave person I was, I failed it and their threat failed and I am going to a nice public school, where I would feel a bit more normal.
If only that happened. Instead I got extremely high scores on the test, got a full scholarship and this is my senior year at Schelman Prep Elite High School.
Complete and utter fucking bullshit.
"Aliyah, are you ready for your first day of school baba." My mom asks. She says baba to sound loving. I know their tricks.
"No." I say with the most straight face.
"Come on, don't speak like that. It's going to be a good experience for you." She says trying to cheer me up.
"Yeah, going to a school with a bunch of people who think they're so mighty and high just because their parents have some money. And treating everyone else beneath them makes me so glad." I snort with distaste.
"Yes, but with this school you're going to attend you'll get a highly prioritized education, and you will get into the best colleges and make us proud right?" My mom asks with a face that basically says 'say yes or else'.
I looked at her with a big smile. Not wanting to upset her. Because if I said anything she did not want to hear. I know I would get a lecture about everything she did and the sacrifices she made, and then I would feel guilty, and then there would be a whole mess because I would start an argument, and when I argue I cry.
"Yes mother. I want to make you proud." I say to please her.
She just smiles at me and gets my other siblings ready. Living with four daughters and one son must be hard for my mother. And me being the oldest I could see why it was hard. I felt like the second mother of this house.
I remember, the first time my sister got her period, she couldn't go to my mother. Since my mother came from a background where talking about periods, and life, and the 's' word was taboo. So it was just weird for my sister to talk to her about it.
So she went to her next option, which was coming to me. She would ask the questions she had to ask, and it was me explaining to her about how a woman worked.
Till this day I remember the fright and anger on her face. She was angry mostly because she hated the fact men did not get anything like this in their life. And her as a woman did. If you guys don't know yet. My sister hates men a bit. It's reasonable.
   Then there's my youngest brother who gets treated like the king of the damn house. He gets away with everything and whenever me or my siblings try to discipline or punish him by grounding him. It's like world war III with my parents.
    My mother would say things like, "he's my child I'll handle him", or " worry about yourself, not my son". Complete and utter bullshit I swear to fucking god.
I guess growing up in a household where a woman is objectified and a man is glorized. My brother ruled over my parents.
Just wait till he grows up to be spoilt. Don't get me wrong I still love him. But he's way too spoiled.
My mother started walking to the car with two of my siblings who do go to school. I was still finishing my breakfast real quick before I got up to go with my mom.
"Aliyah," She yells again at me," Are you planning on going to school in 40 years?  Get in the car!"
I was basically on flash mode trying to finish my food. Before grabbing my bag.
"Sorry, coming." I had to rush to my mom's car. I had to look at the car my mom was driving today. So the rich kids didn't make fun of me at school.  My family only had two cars. One which is really fancy, a top notch car. And the other was a regular car. Not too cheap or too expensive.
My mom liked riding the expensive car. That was one thing I was glad about. She shopped and ate like the rich. My dad would be drained. But my mom cooks, cleans, and takes care of his kids. So he'll be fine
As soon as we got to school me and my sister were starstruck.
"Can we skip the first day of school." My sister says standing next to me.
"No." I pause to find an appropriate reason as to why we can't. "Mom would find out and kill us."
"Great.Fuck my life." My sister says right in front of me. Like I wasn't her older sister or something.
"Watch your mouth Sabrina." I say looking at my sister with a glare. "I'm right here." I tell her. But at the same time I understood her pain.
Here we are in front of this prestigious beautiful building filled with people with top notch clothing and beautiful clothes and expensive cars. Then there is me and my sister. A freshman and a senior.
Great. Fuck my life.
"Well let's start our first day of school." I looked at my sister trying to be as encouraging as possible.
"You have your schedule?" Sabrina asks me.
"Yeah, do you have yours?"
"Yeah." She says looking back at the school clearly intimidated by it. "Well let's go in I guess." I say nervously.
As we start walking my sister as usual has to express her opinions on every matter. "Everyone in this school looks like their parents are in the illuminati, and they sold their soul to the devil."My sister exclaims.
"Probably." I say agreeing with her.
We both entered the school. Both of us hated it already even though it was extremely fancy. But since we both got good grades on our entrance exams to this school. We both are now part of the elite school.
I was watching everyone walking. All of them looked really beautiful. But none of them seemed to notice me and my sister.
"Ok," I say to my sister. "You need to be on the first floor.  While Seniors are on the third floor of the school." I tell her.
"Well, I guess good luck." I say to her. Trying my best to smile. When I wanted to cry from anxiety.
"Yeah, thank you. Appreciate it." It's like she doesn't even care about the fact we're in a totally new school. With people who think we're too broke.
I just look at her not moving, because of the fact I have bad anxiety and do not want to meet new people.
She just stares at me and shakes her head as if she's asking me why I'm still here. I just froze and looked at her struggling with words.
"Um.. do you want a hug?" I ask her full of hope.
"If you touch me I'll scream." She says right back. Do you see how sweet she is?
"Ok, well you're adopted. Nobody wanted you." I retort back
"If I'm adopted, then they want me. Unlike you." I gasp at that. "What's that supposed to mean?" She just ignores me and walks away.
I hate the fact that younger people have a smarter retort.
"Whatever. Bye." I yelled to her as she was walking away. When I look around once again I realize I am going to be eaten alive in this school.

Walking down the halls of this school looking for my fourth period class which is History. Me and Sabrina had been late to the first three periods. Since we needed to fill out some documents my mom had forgotten to fill.  After walking down the halls, I have come to realize after a while that I am completely and utterly lost in this really big school.
What the hell, this is just the third floor. Why the hell is it so big?
   As I am walking looking for room R306. I don't even realize what I was doing or where I was. Before I could stop myself I had unknowingly walked into the wall.
Of course. This is how every girl's first day is one of those reading apps for teens.
But I did hit my nose pretty hard. I massage it to try and soothe the pain on my nose.
What's next? Either the wall was a great looking guy. Or a great looking guy saw it happen.
Aliyah calm yourself down. This is not a book. Nobody saw anything happen.
   I keep assuring myself no one saw anything as I hold onto my nose. And like always I was wrong when I realized someone was laughing at me.
Please, please, God don't let it be the popular cute boy in this school. Or the bad boy with serious mommy and daddy issues. Or the popular girl of the school.
I turn my head in the direction of the sound. Slowly hoping my prayers were heard. And of course my prayers are not heard.
I don't know why I even thought that my situation would be any different.
Because, there in front of me stood an angel. I swear an angel.
He had beautiful blonde hair that almost looked like snow, eyes like the color of the ocean, a physique as though he was going for the olympics. And a jawline that I fear if I touched would cut me.
I was so entranced I didn't even realize I was staring.
"Hey, you ok?" He asks while smiling with teeth. Oh my god he has pearly teeth.
Aliyah, wake the hell up. Do not let him see your weak side. Good looking, rich Men like that prey on you.
I instantly clear my throat.
"Yes, thank you for your concern." I am trying my best to be polite and not embarrass myself again.
"He's not concerned about you."Another voice says. I was so engrossed in staring at this angel in front of me. That I didn't even realize there was another beauty that was next to him.
Now if the other dude was beautiful. This other dude had a beauty you would find in the desert, with a lion as his pet. And he was known for entrancing all the women.
The way I am specifically describing him is a bit weird.
   He had black curly hair mopped into his head, green eyes, tall structure, a handsome beard forming on his face. And of course he wouldn't be the bad boy looking guy if he wasn't wearing a black T-shirt with fitted jeans.

What a typical story plot. Bad boy and good boy combo plus the new girl. Wow. Is it bad that I want to throw up from all this cliche?
  The angel looking boy saw my face expression. Because I was sure I looked shocked that he would speak to me like that. When we just met.
But then again if he didn't it wouldn't be as much of a typical new girl love story.
"Hey Gabriel. Where's your gentleman manners? She's obviously new". The angel looking boy says. while smiling at me.
What a good guy, his friend on the other hand..
Now even though I have anxiety and hate meeting new people. I am still the type of girl that does not like men disrespecting me for no reason. So obviously I had to add a little extra to get the rugged devil a bit mad.
"Yeah Gabriel," I say, agreeing with the angel face. "And on top of that, why don't you mind your own business?"
They both look shocked. Come on this just tops cliche.
"I wasn't asking you for your opinion,"Gabriel remarks.
"And I didn't ask for yours." Gabriel just looks a bit taken back "You're definitely new." He states.

The beautiful blondie just smiles at the interaction between me and Gabriel.
"I'm Noah by the way." Blondie introduces himself to me politely.

Noah, typical name. If this turns out like those stories where two popular boys fall in love with the new girl. I am going to be so mad. One thing I do not need is drama. So rule number one; stay away from these boys. And make sure they don't bother you.
Hey listen, Noah is a great guy. But from his looks and attitude I know he's gonna be drama. He also looks a tad bit too interested in me.
Why wouldn't he? Is the bigger question.
I think I'm very cute. And, even if I'm not cute if I look like I'm confident about my looks maybe they'll also believe it.
So, me being unproblematic, I have decided it would be in the best interest of everyone for me  to cut them off right here with a bad attitude.
As Noah waits for me to introduce myself, I just nod my head at him. Looking disinterested. And walk away.
Do not look back!
God, this is hard. I really want to turn around and apologize for my behaviour until I hear a snicker behind me and a comment.
"Looks like the ice queen just gave you the cold shoulder Noah." Pretty sure Gabriel was instigating Noah.
"Eh, not for long." He replies. How could I forget they only want a girl more when she ignores them.
The men at this school were all rich and privileged. And if a woman shows a little chase they will take it. Especially if it's in front of their friends.
Well they haven't met Aliyah yet. Now if only I could find this classroom.

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