Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
  As I enter my second week of class, I start to warm up to this school. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. Mostly because of the fact, the new friends I made in this school are awesome.
Khadija is just downright optimistic, artistic, into astrology, and just so nice.
Wendy is just nice. Like I really have no other words but to describe how nice she is.
This woman has like no mean bone in her body.
Which if I may be frank is a little worrying.
She's caring, supportive, sweet, and loves dogs and starbucks.
Then there's Anastasia. She's blunt, sarcastic, sweet, gorgeous, and just overall an unproblematic queen.
These three friends I have made have really just made me feel like I'm at home, in this school. For which I am really glad.
"Hey Aliyah." Anastasia says while I was busy working on my math assignment. "You agree with me right?"
"Huh." I say not even realizing they were all talking to me. We were all in the library supposedly starting our first homework together. Instead we just spoke about everything but homework.
"What'd you say Ana?" I ask her really confused what the topic at issue we were all talking about now.
She just rolls her eyes at me. "Come on Aliyah. You got to pay attention, we were speaking about important matters here." She says really seriously.
"Yeah, totally." Khadija sarcastically replies, " Your opinion, that being with a rich handsome guy and having high priorities in a man is a better choice, than being with a man who may not be attractive enough for society and rich enough. Come on Ana stop being so condescending." Khadija looked really annoyed by that question.
"That's not the question. The question was, Would you rather have your heart broken by a rich guy who has good looks, or an okay-looking guy with no money?"
"None." Khadija exclaims frustratingly. "This conversation is condescending and why would I let a guy cheat on me?"
"Yeah I agree." Wendy voiced meekly, scared to get caught into the argument. "All men are great."
Ana sighed in defeat. I guess now was the time I should voice my opinion.
"I would rather have my heart broken by a rich, good looking guy. At least then it would make sense." I say proudly.
"Not you too." Wendy looked at me disappointed.
"Come on Aaliyah. You're better than that." Khadija said to make me feel guilty.
Ana just smiles at me proudly.
"Come on you guys, if a guy who has no money, and who has a gorgeous girlfriend like me cheated on me. I wouldn't just be heart-broken. But my self esteem would be low too because of his audacity." Not to be rude or anything, of course.
They both looked at me. While also staying quiet for a sec, as if they were thinking about what I said.
"I'm not saying I agree," Khadija informs me, "But, you have made a good point."
Ana claps excitedly at the fact that Khadija acknowledges this. We also were happy about the fact we won the debate. Even though they wouldn't admit it.
I really am blessed to have them as my friends.
After our library session in the school library, Ana and Khadija had already packed up and gone home. While Wendy went to some top-notch club thing she's in for the school. Apparently it's one of the best clubs in the school. Only the most popular and rich kids are in it.
I have a feeling that the club involves a lot of nepotism.
   I left a little later from the library than the rest. I was waiting for Lily to finish her tryouts for the soccer team. As I was walking to the soccer field of this school, Which was all the way on the other side of the school. Let me tell you something, this school is the size of a big college campus. On my way there I spotted Noah by the front doors of the school.
Oh god. Please not him.
When Noah also noticed me he stopped whatever conversation he was having with his friend. Who may I add is Gabriel, who may I also add is glaring at me.
I guess, he's still mad at the fact I humiliated him in class. What a baby!
Noah saw me and he took that as an invitation to smile and walk towards me. Like he owned the damn school.
Which just prompted me to walk faster. But it seemed like he was a faster walker.
"Hey, Liyah." Noah said while grabbing my arm. To stop me from walking away from him.
"You didn't see me  smiling at you. Did you?" He looked at me with a smile. But I could tell he was kind of mad I walked away from him.
  I just glared at him then my arm. Hoping he would get the message. That I want him to get the hell away from me and not touch me. Safe to say he had gotten the message because awkwardly he let go of my arm.
"Sorry." He says. "So how has this school been so far. Hope it's treating you well."
"Yeah." I reply unenthusiastically.
"Um." Noah looks taken back at me. Like I gave him the wrong answer. He probably expected me to have a more vivid response. "Just, yeah?" He asked me.
I raise my eyebrow and glare at him."Yeah."
He just starts laughing awkwardly. While touching his hair and looking at Gabriel for help.
"Hey do you have a problem with me?" He asks while smiling awkwardly and looking everywhere but me.Yes. I do have a problem with you.
"No, why would you think that?" I instead reply back.
"Because." This is where Gabriel Cuts in. Whom I forgot was even there. "You're being an asshole for no reason. To him and to me."
Wow. Gabriel must have Amnesia. Since he seems to forget how he acted with me when I first came to this school.
"Me!" I say frustratingly. "I'm sorry princess, but from what I remember. It was you who had an attitude with me when I first came to this school." The audacity of some men.
Gabriel just smiled and raised his eyebrows. "Princess. That's a new one." He said while smirking at me.
Oh no.No,no,no. I can't believe I'm saying this. But for a second there my heart almost skipped a beat when he smiled.
I cannot be attracted to Gabriel. Nope. Not this story.
"Hey princess." Gabriel calls me, "You're cute. You know that."
I couldn't feel my mouth there for a second. All the butterflies in the world have entered my stomach.
"Uh, Um. Don't call me princess." Those were the only words that left my mouth. Nice comeback Liyah. They're definitely offended.
Both of the boys in front of me laughed mockingly. Because of how plain my comeback was.
"Why?" Noah adds on, "You are a cute princess." He mockingly repeated while looking at Gabriel who just smiled back at him.
Ok, These two are obviously mocking me. Which does not settle well with me. I can't let them get away with the fact they were mocking me.
Say something creative Liyah. Come on.
"So, how long?" I asked them both genuinely curious.
"How long what?"  Gabriel asked, confused about my question.
"How long have you both been in love with each other? I mean obviously you both have my support. It's who you are, but how long has it been going?" knowing that these two guys are so used to toxic masculinity. This question probably will set them off.
"Excuse me?" Noah stopped laughing immediately and went two inches away from Gabriel.
"Oh, Sorry Noah, but if I must say, I believe I know who is the man of this relationship. With the way you look and move Noah. You're obviously the more feminine one. And with the way Gabriel acts, you would think he has issues. So obviously he's the more broken boy type. So I'm guessing he's the man in the relationship." I said it like I was thinking it this whole time.
Gabriel looks to be more triggered by what I'm saying.
"You think you're funny?" He says. "Yes, very."I replied.
He looked like he had so much more to say. But instead of a retort or a comeback he just turns around and walks away. And that ladies and gentlemen is how I knew I won this argument.
  Noah just stands there looking at me. Analyzing me. And just staring creepily. After a couple seconds I couldn't stand it anymore.
"Yes?" I looked at him like he was a creepy stranger.. He just looked at me and smiled. I hate the smile of these boys.
"I like you." He tells me. Trying to be cute and charming.
"Too bad that I don't." He stops smiling and his face turns really dark for a second. "You will." He says ominously. "Eventually." Then he also proceeds to leave. While letting those words linger in the air.
That was weird. The way Noah said that. Just didn't seem right with me. I had a bad gut feeling about this.
  Later on that day while I was home. I get a text from Wendy in the group chat about how in two weeks there's going to be a big huge halloween party. Why is there a party being planned so early? And ironically it was at one of Noah's friend's Justin's house. And because we were all with Wendy we were all invited.
Thanks, For the invite but my parents would never let me. I texted her.
Same. Khadija replies.
Ew. I would never go to their parties, And you shouldn't either Wendy. Ana replies.
Aww, this sucks. But If y'all not going then I'm not either. Wendy texted all of us back.
   I put my phone on the charger for the night. Just wanting to relax and sleep. And just be ready for tomorrow. But the way Noah spoke to me today still gave me goosebumps. Something is not right about that kid.
I guess that's something I'll deal with but for now, I just want to rest.

Hope y'all enjoyed!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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