Chapter 2

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Finally after walking around what felt like forever I have finally found the classroom. I was actually out of breath when I walked all of that. And I needed to stop for a sec to catch my breath.
How long was I walking for exactly?
Regardless, when I entered the classroom most students were already in their seats. Nobody even noticed me when I came in.
And a lot of the seats were taken. Except for one. One was not taken and it was by a girl in a hijab.
Wow, she is beautiful. Was the only thing that came into my head.
I actually felt nervous sitting by her because her beauty intimidated me a bit. WhenI sat by her she looked at me.
"Hi." She says looking at me up and down. Trying to analyze who I was. But at least she let me sit next to her.
"Hey." I said shyly back.
We just sat there in silence for a second or so.
"So why are you sitting next to me?" She asks, being very straightforward and blunt and very to the point. I'm actually a little shocked she would ask me that.
"Why not?" I ask her back.
"People normally think I'm a bitch because of the way I stare at people. So the fact that you're not intimidated by me really shocks me." If only she knew I was also a little intimidated.
"Eh, you're beautiful which is a bit intimidating but I don't find you all that intimidating." I said trying to be sincere.
She smiles at me. She had such shiny teeth.
"I like you, you're pretty chill, and pretty." I tell her.
" You too." She says back with that nice smile of hers.
"What's your name?"
"Khadija, you?" Khadija is a really pretty name.
"Aliyah." I tell her.
"Where are you from?" I ask. I hope she doesn't think I'm being intrusive.
"Ghana." She replies.
"Oh. Ghana that's a beautiful country. Have you ever gone back?" I try to make conversation with her. "No. I've been brought up and raised in NY my whole life."
"Wow. I always wanted to go back to my country to see how it was. But regardless, you're very beautiful and brave."
"Why brave?" She asks.
"Because you're black and a hijabi". She looks at me clueless for a sec.
"In America." I add.
An understanding dawns on her face.
"Thanks, I get that a lot to be honest. Hey at least I'm not in europe. Americans still try to understand us or hide their hate." She replies with a smile.
    I smiled at her. Really liking her. We still had five minutes before the first school period. In those five minutes we had exchanged numbers and spoke a little more. So far so good, the first day of school was going very well for me. I just hope nothing ruins it.
Finally the teacher comes in and he introduces himself, and the course. The course sounded good.
   Literally ten minutes into the lecture the handsome devil Gabriel struts in. Looking all high and mighty.
Please. High and mighty my ass.
Unconsciously me and Khadija sigh loudly. I look at her not believing me and her have the same frustration. If it is because of Gabriel we both sighed.
Then I found my soulmate.
I look at her and she looks at me and we both just have an understanding that we do not like these cocky elite prep boys.
We both smile. A smile you would get from a new friend who now shares a mutual enemy with you.
"You hate the boys in this school too?" She whispers to me.
"Hell yeah, that dude Gabriel literally saw me knock into the wall, his friend was trying to be nice to me and ask about my comfort, he turned around and was being rude." I whisper back to her.
"Asshole." She whispers. "Mmmhmmm." I say nodding in agreement.
Our teacher Mr.Cooper who I learned students called Cooper looked at Gabriel with a look of disappointment.
"Mr.Gabriel, you understand you are ten minutes late to my lecture, right?" Cooper says.
Gabriel just walks in with a cocky smirk and sits down somewhere in the middle of the classroom surrounded by females.
This dude loved the attention.
"And, Your point?" He tells Cooper with no shame in his voice. I swear the audacity some of these people have.
"My point here is do not come into my class late with that attitude. And come on time. This kind of behaviour won't be tolerated.
Yes Cooper. Tell that jerk off. Sometimes I cannot stand students who are rude to their teachers just because they want them to come to class on time.
"I still don't see your point here?" Gabriel asks mockingly. While the girls around him laugh. Some girls laughed. While the others wanted to start learning.
But Is he joking?
Either some of these people thought what Gabriel was saying was funny. Or they were all just trying to be a kissass.
Next to me Khadija groans in annoyance.
"I swear every time he comes into class he always gotta stir up drama. Like I am just trying to learn in peace." Khadija says frustrated that there has to be drama in this school.
Girl, tell me about it.
All I hear is Cooper yelling at Gabriel for disrupting the class. And that he would not tolerate disrespect.
I missed what they were saying before because I was paying attention and having a conversation with Khadija.
And of course our prince Gabriel was sitting there with a cocky smirk.
"Hey, chill. Just teach the class."
The disrespect. And no one is going to talk about it. Of course not the boys want to be his  friend or don't care enough, or don't wanna get involved. And the girls have a crush on him.
Before I knew what was happening. My mouth started moving with it's own mind.
"Well, maybe if you did not come into class late and disrupted the whole class. Then we could move on. Like if you think being disrespectful makes you look 'cool'. Then you need therapy." I wanted to hit my head on the wall. But I didn't regret what I said.
Everyone else just stared at me. Some of them were trying to understand who I was. And if I was ever in this school before.
And some of them looked at me with pity. I didn't understand what the pity was. But I know it wasn't good. Khadija next to me also whispered if I may be specific. "Oh shit."
My life was going great in this school. That was sarcasm.
   I always knew with the way my mouth functioned at times I would end up in some serious shit. What I didn't think was that it would happen today. But as I am sitting here in my seat with over twenty people staring at me. One which was basically penetrating me in my soul. I don't know if you can guess who that would be?
If you had guessed that it would be Gabrielle then I am pleased to tell you that you're right.
"Hey." Gabriel said while looking at me with anger clear from his eyes.
"Mind your own business."
Now the logical thing for a girl who wants to lead a normal life at this school would be to back off and just take what he had to say.
But I was never normal. I am not the type to be normal. Never was and will never will be.
So of course I had to retort something back.
"Hey. Try therapy." I retorted back. Which did get a lot of laughs from my fellow classmates.
Gabriel on the other hand just looked like the devil had entered his body and he wanted to banish my soul to the seventh hell.
I get that totally. Because I also wanted the earth to open and swallow me alive.
He was going to retort back if it wasn't for Cooper.
"Ok, enough with you too." He says trying to stop the fight and getting back to the class.
"Gabriel just be on time next time". He says looking at Gabriel, "Next time the principal will be notified. Understood? When Gabriel heard about the principal he immediately shut up. Cooper  goes back to teaching.
This dude couldn't have said all of that when Gabriel first came in.
I didn't even want to look at Gabriel. But I couldn't help it. When I did see his face; for some reason I started smiling. While he on the other hand was clenching his jaw.
Wow. What a baby.
This dude needs to grow up. Taking some negative feedback is actually good once in a while.
I felt khadija next to me nudging me.
"Oh my god. Look at you. New girl put the 'bad boy' of the school in his place." I love how khadija used the quote finger sign when she was saying bad boy.
"Bad boy." I whisper back. Not agreeing with that statement.
"He is obviously doing this to get attention and he does have the attention of a lot of girls here. Come on let's be real he is not a bad boy. He just needs to be taught manners." I tell her.
She just smiles at me while also agreeing with me.
"Hey, for lunch, sit with me ok." Oh my god is she inviting me to have lunch with her.
I just nod my head back to her.
Finally after class was over , it was finally lunch time.
I walked with  Khadija to the school lunchroom. When we got there I saw that there were two other girls waiting for Khadija.
Both her friends were beautiful. One looked like she belonged in the ad for Wendy's with her red hair. The other one looked like she could beat your ass for looking at her wrong.
"Aliyah, come here," Khadija said while holding my hand to bring me closer to her friends. Both of her friends looked at me weirdly.
One with a smile, while the other was assessing me.
"Oh, hey Khadija's friends." I say trying my best not to be awkward.
The red head looks at me with a bright smile. She seemed really nice. Like the genuine type of nice.
"Hi, my name is wendy." She says while introducing herself to me.
Of course. Her name was Wendy.
"Oh, hi Wendy." I wave my hand at her. "And this is Anastasia." She pointed at the girl next to her. Anastasia just looked at me and smiled.
"Hi." She says simply.
"Hey, you guys this is my friend Aliyah. She is also the same girl who put the asshole Gabriel in his place today at class. I'll tell you the rest when we're eating lunch." Khadijah says.
They both looked at me more interestingly.
"So." Anastasia starts looking at me impressed.
"You put high and mighty in his place huh?"
"Oh, my god, You also think that for some reason that dude thinks he is high and mighty just because he is good looking, and is able to get the girls in this school's attention". I say way too specifically.
She grins at me like the way the cat from alice in wonderland would smile,
"Thank god, we have someone else who is not falling for their tricks." Anastasia says very excited with what I told her
"Come on you guys, they're not that bad. Especially their friends." Wendy said, trying to defend them. Whoever 'them' was.
Anastasia and Khadija looked at me with an eye roll.
"Wendy. Babe. Sorry to say but the boys in this school are just plain trash." Khadija tells her.
"AMEN!" Me and Anastasia both exclaim at the same time. Even though I've been here a day. The boys in this school were just annoying.
"Not just the men. Some of the females in this school would rather support and laugh at their stupid jokes than support another female." Anastasia points out.
"No girl power. Or girl support at all." Khadija says.
"If only women actually supported each other." I say.
"Imagine, the world we would live in." Anastasia says while trying to imagine at the same time.
"We would actually be able to fight against the tyranny and socialists in this school." Adds Khadija.
"We would show them that there are limits to the way they can act." I also say.
"Exactly!" The two of them say. Anastasia smiles.
"I like you a lot Aliyah, welcome to the gang. Since you're part of the gang you can call me Ana." Anastasia tells me, I mean Ana.
"Yeah same." Wendy tells me while coming to hug me.
Well I guess this school won't be as bad as I thought it would be. Throughout lunch we all spoke about anything and everything. I guess life at this school won't be too bad after all.
    When I came home that day. I had a smile on my face. Meeting Khadija and Anastasia and Wendy was so nice today. They were the most down to earth people I have met so far in that school.
I was in my room for the rest of the day. When all of a sudden I heard my father and mother arguing.
"All you do is sit on your ass and not work."My mom was clearly speaking to my dad.
"What the hell do you do?" my dad retorts back. Uh-oh dad you shouldn't have said that.
"Excuse me, what the hell do I do?" My mom says too calmly. From her tone you could tell it was a dangerous moment. My dad right then and there probably knew he fucked up big time.
"Wait, no that's not what I meant." He says trying to save himself from a big argument.
Before they could continue I just put my headphones inside my head. Not wanting to hear their arguments.
My younger sister enters the room looking devastated from the day.
"Hey." She says while sitting on my bed.
"Hey." It was quiet for a second. "How'd your first day of school go?" I ask. Hoping she made some friends.
"Nothing much." She replies, "But did you know boys are trash? but rich boys are just trash with a price tag and have more trash in them"
"Girl, tell me about it." I lie right next to her.
She then proceeds to tell me how on the first day of school some people who weren't as cute as others or as rich as the other people in the school were made fun of. And how she was the only one who stepped up, because none of the other kids had guts.
Typical day at a school in this society, basically.
One thing I learned from what my parents taught me is that I need to always stick up for the right things. I could be the one to revolutionize the world. And I always believed it.
   The next day at school during lunch, the whole gang was sitting together and we were talking about how this school was overpriced. Typical conversation teenage girls have.
"You guys why is Noah walking here." Wendy says excitedly.
Immediately the rest of us looked in the direction she was looking and just as she said. There he was, Noah walking towards us.
"Oh god." Ana said out loud.
"Hey girls." Noah said with those sparkling white teeth of his.
"What do you want?" I ask him. Am I being rude? Yes. Do I care? Yes.
So why are you being so rude?
One more thing my mother taught me is never trust the boy who is way too nice. You never know their true colors until it's too late.
But after I answered Noah he looked shocked. And for a second there was a dangerous glint in his eyes. Like he was not used to being rejected and spoken down too.
"Wow, straight to the point huh?'
"Yep." I say trying to be a little bit nicer to him.
"Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to sit with us Aliyah. I'm pretty you'd be happy to sit with us." He was way too proud when he was telling me that.
Khadija, Anastasia and Wendy looked at me. As if they expected me to leave.
Did they really think I would ditch them?
"No, thanks." I looked at Noah politely. Trying my best to reject him where he wouldn't be offended by it.
I then looked towards the girls. Khadija smiled at me for not changing sides.
Noah on the other hand looked taken back by what I said.
"Are you sure?" He asks again. Trying to comprehend what I said.
"Did you not hear her?" Anastasia replied with an even bigger attitude than me.
Noah looked at Anastasia with distaste.
"Well if you change your mind. You're always welcome to come sit with us." He looked like he was still hoping a part of me would realize what I was rejecting.
"Thanks." I told him.
He walked away looking really annoyed that he got rejected.
"Oh, my god." Ana exclaims,  "Out of everyone in that group I really find blondie the most suspicious."
I look at her wanting to know more. "Why do you say that?" I ask.
"On my first day of school, he was probably the only one who seemed a bit genuine." I explained to her. Everyone in the group looked at me weird.
"He spoke to you?" Wendy asked. Not believing Noah would speak to me.
I looked at everyone's expressions and they all looked curious for more. "Yeah." I say shaking my head as a way to gesture 'what's the big deal?'
"Let me tell you something Aliyah", Khadija starts, "That guy thinks just because he's rich and good-looking and most girls here want him, he's the king and some sort of celebrity around here." She says. "And he's also crazy". Anastasia adds.
"Wait," I start, "Why crazy?"
I get cocky and feeling prestigious and rude but crazy..
"Come on you don't know." She starts. "No. This is only my second day of school". I replied.
They all looked amongst each other as if not knowing the right way to explain why he was crazy.
"Ok, fine I'll tell her." Khadija finally says. We all looked at Khadija as she started her story telling.
"Not long ago when we were all sophomores, there was a new girl who joined the school. She was pretty, nice, and very enthusiastic. All her cute qualities had caught Noah's eyes." She tells me, "But unfortunately she was not interested in Noah. Which just created this weird obsession in him. From then every chance he would get he would try to pursue her or convince her to go out with him."
Gee, talk about being an egoistic masochist.
"However, no matter what he did she would say no. Which he could not take. So I heard he set her up." She ends.
"Set her up?" I ask her confused about what that meant.
"Yeah," she says, "Apparently Noah could not take the rejection so he started playing a new game. He apparently became her 'friend'. And she accepted it thinking that's all he wanted. But as a couple months go by, she does fall in love with him. Which just screwed her because he took her virginity, bragged about it to the whole school, humiliated her, slut-shamed her, and the girls in the school just took that opportunity to ravage her alive. Just because she had a thing with Noah." She finishes.
"You now see why he's crazy." Ana said looking at me.
What a piece of shit. I think,  God what a crap face.
"Yeah but," I stop for a second thinking my next words. "You're telling me that man has enough power, great enough looks, to make other girls in the school target one innocent woman?" I ask with disbelief.
"Yeah." Khadija says.
"Jealousy is a horrible thing."Anastasia adds to her comment.
"Wow." I can't believe this. "So what happened to the girl?"
"No one knows." Wendy says, "The girls at this school apparently drove her out. We don't know where she is now."
"This is not what I expected to hear about him". I tell them, "I mean the egoistic, crazy part I expected. But the rest I did not expect. I don't know why, I expected better from Noah. Like I felt like that's something I would expect from Gabriel." I point out.
"Gabrielle." Wendy says,"Gabriel is not the type of guy who would do that."
"Yeah," Ana adds, "Gabrielle is dramatic and he is rude, and cocky, and annoying, and egoistic. But he wouldn't tarnish another female's reputation like that."
"I gotta agree." adds khadija.
"What?" I sputter, "You guys, Gabrielle and Noah look like best friends. You really think Gabriel wouldn't join in helping his friend with the rumours and trying to ruin that girl's life."
"Actually." Wendy begins.
"It was the total opposite." Ends Khadija
This is just so unbelievable.
The more I am in this school, the more I am shocked about the people here. It's like the total opposite of what I had expected to hear.
You need to stop watching all these K-drama's Aliyah.
"Gabrielle," Khadija explaime to me,"Was actually the only guy in their group who spoke up for the girl. He was the only one who defended her. The situation could have gotten worse for the girl Noah played. If Gabriel didn't tell the girls in this school and Noah to back off."
"Which was truly heroic." Anastasia says.
There's like five guys all together in their group. And only one had the guts to speak up against Noah."
All of this new information is overwhelming. Who would've thought the school's good boy is the bad boy and the bad boy is the good boy.
"I didn't really expect that," I say, "I guess that was pretty ignorant of me." I add.
Wendy stops eating her lunch and looks at me with a smile. "It's okay, sometimes human beings can be ignorant". Says Wendy.
"Thanks."I tell her with a smile.
What a history this school has.
As the day went on for some reason I couldn't stop thinking about Gabriel. What Gabriel did was truly heroic. It changed my standpoint about him a little. But only a little. I just have a bit more respect for him. But I still would not get involved with him.
He's still dramatic and problematic.
But as the day ended and the night began and as I closed my eyes. I couldn't help but think about how Gabriel fought for a girl's honor and was the only guy who respected her, while everyone else was quiet. For some weird reason it was very attractive.
I found his chivalry attractive about him. No, Aliyah. This is bad. And stay away from him.
Oh god, if I keep thinking about him I'll start becoming infatuated with him.
And I can't let that happen.
On top of that I have to make sure Noah stays the hell away from me. That dude is just bad news. I think as I drift off to sleep getting read for what the rest of the week has to offer.

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