Chapter Twenty Three: We are the Same pt. 2

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A/N: Okay, this chapter ended up being too long lol So instead, I parted them into two chapters. 

Don't worry! both chapters are both going to go up so you can read them back to back XD I'm so excited to here what you guys thought.

"There is the X rank I was waiting for." Taehyung felt livid, he felt angry, enraged. He saw red. He wanted nothing but to have that woman's blood covering the ground, smearing the grass. He wanted to rip her to shreds. He stood up, making the woman laugh. He bright stupid smile was the thing that made Taehyung snap. How dare she. How dare she take what was his. "I'm going to kill you." Taehyung didn't realize his voice was layered among other voices. The anger in his body was the only thing driving him to move. The X rank in front of him began moving her hands around, bringing things to hit Taehyung but he didn't budge. He wasn't even moving when vines lifted themselves up, sharply cutting every object thrown to him. The grass under her feet grabbed her, making her unable to move. That's when her smile fell, that's when her eyes replicated the emotion Taehyung wanted her to wear, fear.

More objects came crashing down. Ha-rin even began using her abilities against the others that were still paralyzed to the ground. She lifted them but before she could do the same as she did with Jungkook, Taehyung used the vines to pull them away. His powers were stronger, much stronger than before. He was driven by anger, by the need to avenge. "Taehyung!" He heard Edna yell out but it was like his mind was fazing her out. The only thing he wanted to concentrate on was the person in front of him. He had her by her arms and legs, each vine holding her up in the air in front of him.

He's never felt so satisfied to hear someone yell in pain. He closed his eyes, chest filling with pride when the vines began to pull. "Taehyung stop! She isn't worth it!" Edna yelled. Thanks to Ha-rin being in pain, her ability was no longer pushing the others down. But they were too afraid to get close to Taehyung. The skies turned dark, rain now falling on them but that didn't matter, Taehyung didn't mind it. "Please. . . stop! You don't want to have her blood on your hands, you don't want to be a murderer. You have to stop. . . think of Jungkook." That seemed to have snapped Taehyung out of it. He opened his eyes, now their natural color. "Jungkook. . ." Taehyung swiftly turned around, his legs moving as fast as he could.

"Jungkook" Taehyung kneeled in front of him, shaky hands reaching out to him. Jungkook was lying on a green patch of grass, flowers coating his body. He let out slow but heavy breaths, his eyes were half closed, lips beginning to dry out. Vines were over him, covering him from any potential dangers. "J-Jungkook. . ." Taehyung's lower lip wobbled, tears recoating his eyes. He sniffled when Jungkook slowly turned his head, eyes looking straight into his. He smiled softly, "T-. . . Tae. . .h-hyung" Taehyung reached for his hand when Jungkook tried to lift his, struggling to do so.

"I'm sorry. . ." Taehyung said with a sob. "I'm so sorry." Jungkook felt Taehyung's tears fall on him but he didn't care, it didn't matter. Jungkook moved his hand away from Taehyung's, instead bringing it to his cheek. "Tae. . . before I-" Jungkook closed his mouth, coating his dry lips with saliva before he once again opened them to speak. "-before I go, I want to tell you something." Taehyung continuously shook his head, his sobs hadn't ceased, even when Jungkook continued. "I want to. . . thank you for e-everything. Thank you for being my friend. . . thank you for being the person. . ."

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