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Currently, sitting across from Agmos while eating ramen at the ramen bar inside the mall. We've gotten to know the basics of each other and I found out his name is Agmostherian but he goes by Agmos. He is eating as well and it's just it weird seeing him in this type of setting. His leather jacket is draped across the back of his chair and he's casually eating.

There's something about him. I can't figure out what it is. He should scare me. But he doesn't. I look him up and down as I go through my thoughts. I get a dumpling in my chopsticks and take a bite. My eyes go up to Agmos' face.

Yes he's got a skull face but it's like it's a tattoo. I still see the features beneath. He's got high cheekbones, a slim nose, and his bottom lip is slightly bigger. His jawline is sharp and chin is slightly rounded.

His black hair is shoulder length and shiny. It looks thick and soft. My eyes wander of the rest of him. He's wearing a white t shirt once more and I see the slight outline of something on his chest. His chest is built but not too bulky. His arms are toned and not too blocky. His body is lean in muscle.

I'm startled out of my thoughts when Agmos asks,"Enjoying the view?"

My cheeks redden and I look down as I say,"I'm sorry."

Agmos says,"I'm used to women staring, baby. But you looked like you were studying."

I reply,"Just trying to figure you out."

Agmos leans forward and asks,"And how's that going?"

I reply,"I'll get back to you when I have more."

Agmos smiles and I smile.

He says,"You are a strange human indeed."

I roll my eyes as I sarcastically reply,"Wow. Thanks. You have such a way with words."

Agmos quickly pulls my chair around the table and has us face to face. He leans towards me and my heart is pounding.

He asks,"You want me to say some words?"

I bite my bottom lip and his eyes look down. The waiter comes at that moment and Agmos' head turns to look up at him. The waiter flinches visibly and I take the opportunity to move back to where I was.

The waiter asks,"Is there anything else I can do for you?"

I take a sip of my mint and jasmine tea as I hear Agmos mumble,"You can go away."

I choke on the tea and Agmos looks at me in shock. I stand and choke out,"Excuse me."

I walk to the bathroom and regain some semblance of composure. The black stone shines against my shirt and I touch it. I guess I got used to having it. I walk out of the bathroom and see the waiter go flying from a set of double doors. Agmos walks out and my heart stops. Shadows surround him like flames and his eyes they glint with a white anger.

Agmos grabs a fistful of the wisteria shirt and punches him in the face. The waiter's nose breaks and blood is pouring from his nose.

Agmos says,"You DO NOT look at her or talk about her."

The waiter is crying and Agmos punches him again. The man's lip splits and I see teeth go flying.

Agmos says,"YOU have NO right to call her such things."

He raises his fist to punch again but I unfreeze and bolt towards him.

I grab his fist as I exclaim,"Agmos!"

His head whips towards me and the glint I saw moments ago is indeed fire. White fire blazing in his eyes. My eyes go wide and I don't move. He lowers his fist and looks at me. I look at the whimpering man and back at Agmos.

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