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~Hot Blood-KALEO ~

Agmos' POV

I lean down and my lips brush against hers when I hear someone yell my name. I quickly melt into the shadows and arrive at home. I sense someone here. Someone like me and I realize who it is.

I say,"Come on our, Achille. I know you're here."

Achille comes sauntering out and says,"I hear you're cohorting with a human."

I reply,"What's it to ya? You've never cared who I sleep with."

Achille says,"Word through the shadowvine is you saved her."

I roll my eyes and say,"She was an innocent girl being tortured."

Achille replies,"Since when are you such an angel?"

I say,"I find your smart ass remarks but remember who you're talking to."

Achille replies,"Hmm maybe I should check her out for myself. Maybe cause her a little pain."

Anger flares in me and I glare at Achille as I say,"She's already in enough pain. Leave her alone."

Achille replies,"Or what? You'll send me to the shadows."


She smirks and I sigh. I go to the study and pour myself a glass of scotch. She follows and I sit in the desk behind the chair. I sip my drink and she lays across the lounger to the side.

I ask,"What do you want?"

She replies,"I want you to tell me WHY I'm hearing that THE Agmos, demon of anger and mischief, saved a human? The shadows tell me you went Alpha. You don't go Alpha for anyone except the ones you want to protect."

I look at her over the rim of my glass as I take a sip.

She replies,"YOU don't go ALPHA unless you...care about them."

I reply,"I don't care about anything or anyone."

Achille gives me a look and I sigh.

I say,"I don't know what's wrong with me. I can't get her out of my head. Her scent it's intoxicating. Her entire being is intoxicating."

Achille replies,"Sounds like you're in love DUMBASS."

I shake my head and say,"No. You and I both know I love nothing."

Achille shrugs and says,"Something's keeping you attached."

I reply,"Achille, I can handle this on my own."

She comes to me and says,"Hmmm...maybe you can. But I still want to see her for myself."

I quickly am on my feet but Achille shoves her claws into the back of my neck. I cry out in shock more than pain and glare at her.

I say,"You will pay for this, Achille."

She smirks and says,"I'm the demon of Pain darling. I live for it."

She removes her claws and I fall to the floor paralyzed. Achille disappears in a burst of shadow fire and I struggle to move....anything.

Damn that demon and her paralysis venom!

Achille's POV

I walk out of the shadow fire in a house. I smell the scent of tons of humans but one sticks out. It's her. I follow it upstairs and find her asleep. I walk up to her with my claws raised when I see her cheeks are stained with tears and she's clutching something to her chest. I lower my hand and watch her.

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