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~I'll Follow You by Shinedown~

Demina's POV

I am in darkness once more but this time I'm not afraid. I look around and its utter darkness. I decide to take a seat and just see what happens.

Agmos' POV

The police have taken in the scene of the warehouse and Demina is in the hospital. She was in pretty bad shape when I found her. My hands ball into fists at the thought of it and I use the shadows and appear outside of the hospital as Morganna comes into view.

Morganna says,"Agmos! Demina was found."

I reply,"Is she ok?"

Morganna says,"The doctors say she had lost a lot of blood. Some of her wounds were fresh."

My anger flares and Morganna asks,"She's unconscious but do you want to see her?"

I nod and follow Morganna into the hospital. We go to a room and I see Demina in a hospital bed hooked up to a bunch of tubes and the parts of her arms that are visible are wrapped in bandages.

I sit by her bedside and watch her breathe. She is still here. She's fighting. I rest my chin on my clasped hands as I stare at her.

I've come to care for her. But why? You know what I can't think of the why right now. Even though it goes against everything I am, I care about her and she cares about me. I will protect her.

Hours go by and Morganna heads home. I decide to stay by her bedside and no one tells me to leave. Perks of being a demon I guess.

I say in the quiet room,"I'm sorry, Demina. I failed."

I hang my head as an emotion I'm not familiar with hits me like a freight train.

I say,"I left you alone. I should have stayed. I was more concerned about why I care about you instead of being there for you."

I don't see Demina's body twitch as I say,"I will protect you from now on."

Demina's POV

I hear Agmos's voice say,"I'm sorry, Demina. I failed."

I look around and say,"Agmos."

Agmos says,"I left you alone. I should have stayed. I was more concerned about why I care about you instead of being there for you."

I stand and go to take a step but something grabs my wrist. I turn and come face to face with Agmos. But there's something different about him. His eyes are more humane. There's more emotion in them.

I ask,"Who are you?"

He replies,"I'm Agmos...but I'm his soul."

I stumble back and he says,"You need to take care of him. He means well."

I turn in a circle as he disappears. A light cuts through the darkness and I blink rapidly. It's shining in front of me showing me something.

I look down and see it's Agmos' stone and I say,"What the."

I look up and see myself in a hospital bed and Agmos with his head hanging in shame. I reach for him and I see my body twitch. I need to get there. I need to be back in my own body.

I feel something grab my wrists and ankles pinning me where I stand and I look to see it's the shadows.

I say,"No. Let me go."

I struggle against them and see Agmos look up. His eyes lock with mine and his eyes go wide.

He exclaims standing as he thrusts his right hand out,"NO! RELEASE HER!"

The shadows leave my body and suddenly I'm gasping in the hospital bed. I look around and see Agmos standing by my bedside. The monitor is beeping wildly and nurses and a doctor come in. The start to push Agmos out but I struggle against them.

My voice comes out in a wheeze but I keep trying and finally I yell,"AGMOS!"

Everyone freezes and I reach a shaky hand out to Agmos. He shoves through the people and takes my hand.

He says,"You're safe. You're in a hospital. These people are going to take care of you."

I say,"Don't leave."

He replies,"I won't."

The doctor says,"Please stand out of the way then sir."

Agmos looks at me and I nod. He goes and sits on the windowsill and watches me. The doctor checks my vitals and tells me what injuries I have. I barely pay attention because my eyes are locked with a Agmos'. He's here. He's really here.

The nurse puts something in my IV and says,"It's just a sedative. You need your rest dear."

I say,"Agmos."

He is instantly by my side and I look at him and plead,"Don't leave me, ok?"

He says,"I'm not going anywhere, baby."

The sedative has already begun to kick in and I reach out a shaky hand to Agmos and he takes it.

I say,"Don't......leave....me......alone...........Agmos."

Darkness takes over my mind.

Agmos' POV

I'm sitting beside Demina who's unconscious when suddenly I hear her. I....feel her. I look up and see her struggling against the shadows.

I quickly stand and thrust my right hand out towards her as I exclaim,"NO! RELEASE HER!"

She's gone but then she's gasping in the hospital bed awake.

The monitor is beeping wildly and nurses and a doctor come in. The start to push me out but I struggle against them.

I hear Demina's voice comes out in a wheeze but she keeps trying and finally yells,"AGMOS!"

Everyone freezes and I see her reach a shaky hand out to me. I shove through the people and take her hand.

I say,"You're safe. You're in a hospital. These people are going to take care of you."

She says,"Don't leave."

I reply,"I won't."

The doctor says,"Please stand out of the way then sir."

I look at me and she nods. i go and sit on the windowsill and watch her. The doctor checks her vitals and tells her what injuries she has. I can't take my eyes off of her. She's here. She's really here.

The nurse puts something in my IV and says,"It's just a sedative. You need your rest dear."

Demina says,"Agmos."

I'm instantly by her side she looks up at me with an expression of slight fear mixed with pleading as she asks,"Don't leave me, ok?"

I state,"I'm not going anywhere, baby."

The sedative has already begun to kick in and she reaches out a shaky hand to me which I take.

Demina says as the sedative kicks in,"Don't......leave....me......alone...........Agmos."

Her eyes close and the nurses move the recliner chair to beside the bed and I sit in in. I will not leave.

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