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I'm sorry if my grammar sucks I'm literally so bad at grammEr
Also guys should this be like a continuous story(where each chapter matches up) or should it be like random events??)

You sat at the table at your favorite coffee shop, which was called Paragon Pearl Diner. You sigh as you look around; the coffee shop was full of people. You took a sip from your delicious bubble tea and sigh, fidgeting on your phone. You looked up and spotted a gorgeous girl walking in. She had beautiful black curly hair and you couldn't help but to stare at her gorgeous body.
You fidgeted with your fingers and looked away, going back to your phone. Your eyes ended back on the beautiful girl. She had ordered already and was sitting next to a curly-haired guy. You assumed that guy was her boyfriend although she didn't seem to be in love with him so you safely assumed he was simply her brother. The guy also looked extremely similiar to her.
You and her met eyes from across the coffee shop and you notice a light blush on her cheeks, which were dappled in freckles. You assumed she just felt awkward as a girl, completely out of her league, was staring at her. She was probably also straight. You smile gently at her and then go back to scrolling through Instagram. About twenty minutes later, the cute girl approached you.
"Hey, uhm, I'm Ashley." She said, her voice a bit raspy as she blushed a bit, looking down at the ground shyly.
"I'm Y/N." You say and smile, shaking her hand.
"I saw you staring at me earlier.." She said, twirling her hair as she sat next to you, blushing slightly.
"Oh, I, uh just thought you looked familiar." You say quickly with a shy smile, playing with your fingers.
"Oh, well.. why don't you go ahead and give me a call later?" She said shyly and slid you a piece of paper with a phone number on it before getting up and quickly skipping away with the guy.
"Ooh, looks like someone's got a little crushy crush." You heard the guy tease elbowing Ashley playfully. You saw a blush form on Ashley's cheeks as she and the guy left the shop.
You unroll the piece of paper and read the phone number. You nod slowly to yourself as you roll it back up and put it into your purse. This was probably a mistake because your purse was an absolute jungle but oh well. A goofy grin spreads across your face and a crimson blush covers your cheeks as you got up with your bubble tea and headed to work, deciding today would be a great day.


You were sitting on your bed at 9 PM at night. You were wondering if you should text Ashley or not. What if she thought you were weird for texting her at such a weird time and blocked you? What if she just ignores you and never speaks to you again? Your mind raced with fears as you held your phone in your hand tightly. You rest your head up against the headboard and put a pillow under your knees as you tried to think of a good text to send her.
"Hey what's up,?? It's that Y/N girl you met at PPD." You texted anxiously.
She might think that you're a desperate girl! She might judge you because of how desperate that sounded! You stupid stupid girl! Your mind was racing with thoughts as you put your phone down and took a deep breath. You realized you had been sweating.
Damn, I'm really that nervous? Haha terrible social skills.. You thought. About three minutes later, you got a text back from her.
"Omgg heyy I didn't think you'd text me abklajw okk but anyways wanna meet at PPD tmr at like 7 pm??" The text said. A goofy grin appeared on your face as you pressed your phone to your chest and thought about it. You didn't have work tomorrow so you could totally do it. You waited a few minutes before replying because you didn't want to appear "desperate."
"Okkk yeah sure 😳" You texted back, blushing. You hoped she was as sweet as she looked. You scrolled through Instagram for about an hour before deciding to go to sleep.


You wake up the next morning feeling amazing. You went through your day excitedly and you noticed it was already five o'clock. You gasp and get dressed into something a bit cuter, but still casual. You did your makeup and tried to look somewhat cute but failed. You were a mess by the time 6:30 came and you panicked. You decided to just go to the Paragon Pearl Diner, even though you looked like dog shit. You saw Ashley sitting at a table by herself waiting for you. You smile and head over to her, sitting down next to her.
"Oh! Hi Y/N!" She said, a blush spreading across her cheeks.
"Hey Ashley! Okay so how do we start a conversation? I'm sorry but my social skills are horrible." You said awkwardly, which earned a cute giggle from Ashley.
"Pfft, same honestly. So like, are you from here?" Ashley asked curiously.
"Mm, nah. I'm from Connecticut." You say and smile awkwardly, biting your lip shyly.
"Oh nice. I'm from New Jersey." She said and giggled again cutely. You couldn't help but grin widely. Her giggle was so adorable.
She played with her hair shyly and you both just stared at each other for like fifteen seconds awkwardly.
"How old are you?" You ask curiously and smile, biting your lip.
"I'm twenty two." Ashley said and smiled. You nod.
"Nice, I'm twenty one." You say. You glance at Ashley's tattoos. Usually, you didn't really like tattoos on a woman, for no actual reason of course, but Ashley just made it work. She made it work extremely well. You look at the tattoos on her forearm. They all just looked so good. She noticed you staring.
"Like my tattoos, huh?" Ashley said with a chuckle and you looked up at her and blushed, nodding.
You and Ashley chatted for about an hour but then Ashley had to leave. You were sad but she promised you both would talk again.

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