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It's 6 am and I'm supposed to get up in an hour 😭😭
Now it's 7:55 AM
I went to sleep for an hour :)
Listening to Tokyo Narita
I know
Ugh but Tokyo Narita is such a good song and like omg wish it was longer and it's so pretty  
Now or Never too omg yes
Bro Halseu is gonna be performing near me next year and I NEED to go but like me hahe literally 10 dollars only
929 next omg istg I actually love this song so much like this song is great
Honestly all Manic songs are the best
Bro okay unpopular opinion(?) Nightmare is pretty hood too but I prefer songs like I HATE EVERYBODY, 929 and killing boys,???

You had gotten an message from Ashley saying, "Come over, it's urgent," and you got extremely worried. You grabbed your car keys and stepped out into the cold -23° C weather with nothing but a tank top and shorts on. You felt chills run up your spine and goosebumps form on your bare skin. You shivered and rushed to your car and turned on the ignition quickly. Your hands were shaking as you drove to her house, going over the speed limit several times. What if she was hurt? What if she was upset? What if something bad happened? You stepped on the wheel anxiously. The drive was fifteen minutes away and she wasn't answering your calls anymore. You were panicking and crying like a five year old girl. You tried not to cry too much that it blurred your vision though. You were panicking so much. You shook vigorously as you drove faster, not caring you were going 20 over the speed limit. Suddenly, you heard the police sirens. Well shit. You thought and pulled over.  A police man approached your car fifteen seconds later.
"Ma'am why were you speeding?" He asked.
"M-My friend told me that there was a emergency and I needed to hurry to her house, I'm sorry sir." You say quickly. He started giving you a ticket and you were dying inside. He gave you the ticket and gave you a cheeky grin as he left. You started driving again, worried. You drove to her house and knocked. No answer. You opened the door and rushed in. You closed the door and locked it and rushed up the stairs, shouting her name worriedly. You burst the door open and ran in, then got tripped by a string. You heard a bunch of laughing and when you got up, you saw Ashley laughing her ass off. You glare at her.
"What the fuck?" You say. You weren't mad at all, okay maybe a little, but it was funny when you fell on your face.
"I'm sorryyy but it was funny." She said with a whimper, "plus I wanted to spend time with you!"
You sat on the bed next to her, rolling your eyes. 
"Butthead." You say teasingly and she smacked your chest.
"I should get you back for that." You said, rolling your eyes as you pinned her down and tickled her. She screamed and laughed loudly, trying to kick you off. You tickled her until she cried then got off, grinning. She sat up then pinned you down and started to tickle you. You scream and squirming like crazy, laughing your ass off.
You and her started hugging after and just sat there, holding each other for about twenty minutes ago silently. She gave you a goofy grin and cupped your face. You instantly started gay panicking.
Her hand is on my cheek, oh my lord. It's ON my cheek. And our faces are so close to each other. What the fuck. What the fuck. Panic. Panic. Panic. If she kisses me, I will die happy.
She quickly pecked your lips and you died inside. You were still gay panicking. She pecked your lips again and giggled.
"You're as red as like.. Elmo." She teased playfully and kissed your lips again. She then pushed you down and kissed you again and then tickled you. You squealed and tried to push her off but she had latched onto you and was tickling you like crazy. She kissed you again gently and giggled, hugging you tightly. You roll on top of her and kiss her lips gently and she instantly turned into a red tomato. You then tickled her and she squealed loudly, squirming and kicking around. She tried to get you to stop but her laugh was so cute you were dying. You finally stop and get off of her and giggle. You laid down on her bed with her and she snuggled up next to you and wrapped an arm around your waist. She rested her head on your chest and you gay panicked again. You played with her hair and she was asleep within seconds.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2020 ⏰

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