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I honestly have no idea how to write stories and also Drive is such a good song and I'm in love and amwbedhs
929 thooo omg
Badlands and Manic are amazing albums BUT CAN WE TALK ABOUT HFK
I used to nor like HFK that much but omg yes I love every single song
Don't Play, Hopeless, Eyes Closed and 100 letters are YES YES YES EEHDHRHESSHSHEHSZ
I need to shut the fuck up lmfao nobody cares hey we just hit 666 words yikes

You and Ashley were chilling at her house. You had no idea how her house was so fucking nice. You assumed she just got the money from her parents or was even a fucking pornstar but like, you honestly didn't care. You looked at her. She had a cigarette in between her two fingers and was smoking it, scrolling on her phone. This was how the two of you "hung out," and honestly it was fun. Every time you talked to Ashley, you had a gay panic moment so this was way better. You ran a hand through your hair and bit your lip, still staring at Ashley's perfect body. You looked at her adorable fucking nose. A smile spread across your not so pretty face as you looked at her freckles next. Every single freckle on her defined face was just so perfectly placed and you were so jealous. She was an adorable girl and her freckles made her even cuter. You went down to her lips. Her lips just seemed so kissable.
"What you looking at, Y/N?" Ashley said, breaking you out of your trance.
"Oh, I, uh, I, I, I, I, was just.. I, staring off in space. Thinkin' about.. stuff." You say quickly, stuttering like an idiot. Ashley just laughed, twirling her hair in that cute way again.
"Oh okay then, sure." The adorable ass girl said cutely, licking her lips a bit because they were dry.
The palm of your hand started itching and you itched it with your other hand, but it didn't satisfy the itch. You pout in defeat, then just like, scratched the itch with your teeth. It totally satisfied the itch. You smile happily. You heard Ashley laugh and you realize she had watched you do that.
"Weirdo." She teased and put down her phone and grabbed your hand, pulling you up.
"I'm bored!" She pouted before continuing, "so let's do something fun!"
"Like what?" You ask. She shrugs.
"We could uh.. eat noodles?" She said.
"YES." That was all you had to say and Ashley ran to the kitchen at full speed. You ran after her and laughed. She loved her noodles. She made noodles for you and herself and sat on a stool, eating her noodles. She looked like a fucking goddess eating noodles and you wished you looked like that. She slurped her noodles really loudly and dramatic to make you laugh and she succeeded. She had a goofy grin on her face as she kept eating her noodles, looking up at you cutely. You looked at her cute face as she ate her noodles. Once you both were done eating, you just sat there staring at each other for about five minutes.
"Sooo, Ashley.  What is the sexiest name you've ever heard?" You ask curiously.
"Y/N." She said teasingly and you blushed like crazy.
You ask another question because you had no idea how to talk. "If you could morph two animals to make one super animal, what two animals would you choose? Why?" You ask. She twirled her hair cutely and bit her lip, in deep thought.
"I feel like a gorilla and mm, a tiger or elephant would be pretty cool. I just like gorillas honestly and tigers and elephants are big scary and I could totally kill everyon-" She stopped herself before she ended up sounding crazy. You giggle and bit your lip.
"Mm okay." You say with a chuckle and you both spent the whole night having fun and watching anime.

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