Chapter 2

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        It was called the Flower Feast Banquet but all of the nobles knew that it was a celebration to show the people their crown prince and crown princess. Every year, the royal family will have a three-day banquet for the nobles and five-day festival for the commoners. The nobles will give discounts to their products and merchants will have different booths to show their goods that came from different regions of Toquen kingdom and other nations. The streets are bustling with people and cheerful songs are played by the street performers.

         "Wow... It's amazing!" The joyful aura of everyone in the plaza escalates Zolia's excitement. The first night for the nobles banquet will be tomorrow. And honestly, she's not prepared yet.

           "My lady, you should just stay at home and get some massages. I can take care of the trivial things." Irina, the head maid, let out a sigh. She's smiling because she can feel her lady's excitement even if they are one meter apart.

         "B-but... I want to pick my own handkerchief. Everything should be perfect! I..." Zolia blushed. "I want to be... prettier. Even just for one day."

           Irina shushed her mouth. "You're beautiful, my lady, inside and out. Your beauty is like a jasmin flower, stunning and dignified."

          Zolia smiled shyly. It was a biased compliment from someone who raised her from childhood yet it made her heart flutter. "Thank you, Irina."

          She is the crown prince's fiancé for almost a month now and the banquet will be their first official event as a couple. Well, who would have thought that the girl who grew up wielding a sword instead of sewing embroidery or brewing tea will be the crown princess of a kingdom. Since she was a kid, Zolia was bullied because she doesn't have any talent with embroidery or playing instruments. She was also called names like red pig and frizzled ugly hag. Her childhood were constant events of mockery in those social gatherings.

         But when she turned nine years old, her father gave her a small decorative sword as a gift. It's light and it doesn't have a blade. But to everyone's surprise, she started to swung her sword, imitating the knights she accidentally saw a year ago. The head of the knights, Martin, told the Duke about the potential Zolia has for swordsmanship.

         Zolia defied the norm. She was the first noble lady who wield a sword and became a royal knight after she fought in the civil war who broke last year in Southwestern part of Toquen. She was victorious as she stopped the simmering rebellion at the borders. She became the face of power of feminism in the high society. No one dared to scoff at her again -- they were afraid to be cut down by her sword.

* * * * *

         The night was warm yet the cold breeze was touching Zolia's skin. She was nervous. She couldn't remember what happened in the whole afternoon. Her mind was always wandering around.

         "We are here," Duke Frederrick announced.

         Zolia nodded her head. She clenched her fist and let out a sigh. Here it goes... The long night of suffering while wearing high heels and corset. She tried to give a smile to her father.

         "Calm down, darling. Everything will be alright." The duke gently patted her head.

          Both of them descended the carriage and started to walk towards the Sunray Palace. The palace is 10-meters high with thick posts with pseudo-flowers as designs. The walls are painted white with gold plated carvings of the imperial family's crest in the entrance. The music from an orchestra, playing a songwriter's masterpiece can be heard outside.

         Their names were called. Zolia, clinging to her father as her escort, walked in the red carpet that will guide them to the center of the ballroom. Every noble ladies were wearing various jewels and branded dresses while gentlemen can be seen drinking wine and talking about politics or family businesses.

         "Duke Ameria, how are you?" Marquess Sefran asked. The man shifted his attention to Zolia. "You're stunning tonight, Lady Ameria."

          "Thank you, Marquess Sefran," Zolia answered.

         "Well, what can I say? I can never be happier." Duke Ameria's laugh thundered as he patted Zolia's hand. "I am happy for my daughter."

          The other nobles swarmed in their circle until the arrival of his majesty was announced. "His highness, King Herio Zevin Toquen, her highness, Queen Elizia Xeres Toquen has arrived."

         The people stopped what ever they are doing to salute their king and queen. Everyone bowed in the monarch's presence while the knights knelt. "May the sun and the moon of the kingdom will forever be blessed by the Goddess." Everyone spoke in unison.

         The king smiled. "Thank you everyone. But today, it is not about me. We will celebrate the engagement of my son, Ernan, to her crown princess, Zolia Monique La Ameria."

         The prince wearing a white suit with a blue diamond on his collar was a stunning beauty that made the whole palace fell in silence. Everybody's attention was centered to him, it's like there's an invisible spotlight that was set to follow the movements of a male protagonist on a novel. Zolia's jaw almost dropped at the floor and she tried to hide her nervousness using her handkerchief, covering her mouth.

          "Zolia Monique La Ameria, can I have this dance?" the prince asked with a friendly smile.

          "I-it's my... Uhhh... It's my pleasure, your higness," Zolia almost bit her tongue. Her face flushed because of too much embarassment.

            The orchestra started to play a song. Everyone make way for the prince and Zolia's dance at the center of the floor. The prince placed her hand in his shoulders and she almost jumped when she felt the prince's hands on her waist. It was a slow dance with lots of swirling steps for the female part. Thank the Goddess, she didn't step the prince's foot!

         "Stop this nonsense!" Prince Karvin's voice echoed the hall. Everyone's attention focused on the brusque man at the door with a sword in his hand. "I will never let that bastard prince to be the future king of this country!"

          The royals knights were alarmed. All of the nobles were trembling in fear but Zolia was different. She unsheathed the sword of a knight besides her and pointed her sword to the rebelling prince.

          "My prince, you are a dignified person. I knew your battle prowess and intelligence. But we are not on war. We are having a peaceful life and celebrating a peace treaty from the neighbouring countries. We need a ruler than can elevate the people's way of living. Not a military-centered government." Zolia didn't flinch as the God of war started to walk towards her.

          Prince Erman, tugged her sleeve while hiding on her back. He's scared to death but he's not willing to show it to everyone. He's trembling and couldn't speak a word.

         "You're trying to protect a coward ruler? How pathetic!" Prince Karvin started to run towards Zolia and tried to slash her neck but she nullified the attack with equal strength.

          "Run! Prince Erman, save yourself!" She shouted.

          The dancing hall fell into chaos. The nobles started to run in different directions. The royal family was ushered to safety while the royal knights remain to suppress Prince Karvin and his men. The white flowers used as decorations started to stain red as blood from battles are everywhere.

          "I hope you will never regret this..." Prince Karvin spoke in low voice.

          "I will never..." Zolia rushed forward and struck his sword to the prince's chest. Blood started to flow in her sword. "Regret this..." The prince's sword was pinned on her abdomen. Both of them are panting and almost out of breath. With just few seconds, the prince held his last breath while Zolia fainted because she lost a lot of blood.

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